Fenros smirked when Varrik tried to scare him with his casual talk. Under birth his cloak he gripped his flintlock which he now relied on with out his sword. One quick click and he could instantly engulf the ice. That would get Varriks attention. But before his could as he guessed Kayla figured out it was him. Remembering he had his hood on he was about to take it off when Lumière walked in casually speaking in the confused Manner she always did. When she said hello to him he pulled his hood off, revealing his hardened features from over the years. After a moment he gave a small smile and nod to Lumière. He then looked to Kayla with his smile still "You look good Kayla..." Then to Bane "Good to see you are still Alive you old bastard." "To think Ive been looking for you all these past 7 years. And suddenly I find you all here just by accident. Perhaps fate is telling us something?" He looked to Varrik and said " you must have balls thinking you guys could pull it off this time."