[h1]Separ[/h1] Feeling exhausted and tired from such a long day, Separ couldn't help but yawn as he finished the last preparations on his tent. He laid out his sleeping bag and then left to check on the others to see how they were all doing. What he overheard however was a conversation between both the civilian and Carver. "Do you or do you not feel responsible for the failure in preventing the destruction of Ravenwood and of all its citizens?" It felt as though the man wanted someone to blame, a scapegoat to explain why his town had fallen. Listening closely Carver admitted to actually being at fault. Not liking where this conversation was heading, Separ decided to intervene before the conversation could go on any longer. He walked up towards the two of them. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Sorry if I'm interrupting, it's just that I would like to say that the destruction of Ravenwood is not your fault Carver, or at least not entirely. By your logic, I and all of the others are just as much at fault. Why couldn't I be strong enough to knock out an ettin in one blow?"[/color][/b] Separ pointed to the little girl and Vis as well to further prove his point. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Why wasn't the elf swift enough to run circles around that whole army? And why couldn't the little girl over there be a master weapons user?"[/color][/b] Separ already didn't like this man that much. He seemed to be one of those snobby types that always looked down on others. At least that would be what it seemed like as earlier the man complained about that quick duel between Carver and that Bill guy. Glaring daggers at the civilian, Separ ended his rant. [b][color=ForestGreen]"Finally, why weren't you strong enough to save Ravenwood?"[/color][/b] And with that being said Separ glared at the man for a moment before turning around to go into his tent. Separ then called out to the entire group, just audible enough for everyone to hear. [b][color=ForestGreen]"I'm going to bed you guys, I'm pretty exhausted after such a long day. Anyone is free to enter my tent and sleep with me, I'll probably be asleep when you come in anyways."[/color][/b] Entering his tent Separ unrolled his sleeping bag and pulling himself inside, drifted off into sleep.