[h1]Separ[/h1] Separ sighed as he listened to the man's words. This guy was unbelievable, trying to get him to feel guilt over something he had nothing to do with, as well as wanting payment to boot. Without turning around either Separ replied with. [b][color=ForestGreen]"I have never seen a person burn alive, I'll give you that. But what does this have to do with anything? Yes it was your daughter, and I feel sorry for your loss. Nonetheless, we're human too. Just because Carver has a sword doesn't mean he's some unstoppable juggernaut. I'm not invincible either, none of us are. We're only human, well excluding the gnome and the elf, but while I do wish I could have saved the town I know I'd just add to the death pile. I barely escaped with my life, and,"[/color][/b] motioning towards the cloaked girl who was still fast asleep. [b][color=ForestGreen]"I managed to save her life as well. That's as much as I could muster, so sorry if I'm not Mr. Superhero the fourth. Also don't expect much money out of me, I mean I'll help out, but from what I can tell, you appear to be no good. I just hope the only reason you're acting like this is because you just lost your town and family. So I'll give you the benefit of the doubt for now. Goodnight."[/color][/b] And with that Separ finally entered his tent and fell asleep, exhausted from such a long day of fighting.