Kolskegg inhaling deeply, reached into his magic bag, drawing three runes out and tossing the angry red-orange items into the snowy air. In a matter of seconds they were gone in an angry burst of energy. He would have little time before the spells offset one another. Pushing away from the pillar he ran deeper into the woods, keeping low and trusting to the still swirling snow to keep him hidden. Once reaching a thick white ash, he knelt down, swinging around to see if he was being followed. Touching the tree he felt a momentary shock run through his body. Leaning back he looked at the tree again. [color=f7941d]“Askr Yggdrasils?”[/color] Again touching the tree and again he felt a tingling running through his form. [color=f7941d]“It is you. Stay well guardian tree and I shall return once I have dealt with mine foes.”[/color] Above him in the great tree a caw reached out, followed by another and another. Looking up he spotted a murder of crows. A smile crossed his lips, it would not be long before more of the birds appeared. Glancing back at the cottage he spied the icy wrath of Ymir slowly fading. Rising he leaned his forehead against the tree and whispered a quick prayer of thanks before darting off on his encircling run around the ruined town. Above him black birds took flight, trailing along through the trees behind him, their caws filling the air. Huddling close to an oak he caught his breath, starling some baboons and a deer into action. As he prepared to take a step a dulled gleam caught his eye. Crouching low he stared at a wicked thing. It was ugly and held one arm, upon three thin metal legs. What was that? Was it a creature of this land or something belonging to the sorcerers? Then he saw movement to his left heading towards the pillars. Squinting he spotted the movement again. A sorcerer moving slowly towards the fields he had been in. Looking he spotted another one further ahead, perhaps a few yards. They moved slowly, cautiously, their fire rods swiing slowly as they looked forward and to the sides. Looking again at the ugly, spindly beast, he confirmed it was some sort of conjuration. It had the same black, mystical shape that the smaller fire sticks held. How could he get past the beast? As he watched, a buck and doe entered walking slowly, without a care. The beast didn’t even look. It ignored the animals. The tree above him was slowly filling with black birds. Perhaps once the spell was completed he could move with their aid. Gripping Alyward tightly he inhaled deeply. As he did so his chest hurt, the welts from the fire sticks were a reminder that the magic of these sorcerers, was as deadly as any he had faced before.