Khat nestled herself between the pillar like roots of the oak tree, looking small among the woody tendrils of the massive plant. She nibbled into the bread, looking as if she were not hungry, however she was starving but her seized up heart wouldn't let her eat, like a lump in her stomach taking up all the space. As the man spoke of his burning daughter, she shrunk further and further into the recess between the roots, until she was as small as she could be, her head between her knees and her arms pulling them towards her chest. She had lost her appetite. To her own frustration, she started to cry, ever so quietly so she could not be heard. Vis turned away from the flickering flame and cast a green light behind him with his cursed eye, his heart stumbled over itself and reached out to the little girl, his green light softening to almost nothing. He moved towards her, taking his time to shove his way past the new guy to express his feelings. Vis crouched at Khat's feet and looked at her before he spoke. "You're muther wouldn'th wanth you crying, you know thath, righth?" he asked her gently, putting a hand on her's. She shook it off harshly and barked in his face. "How would you know?!" She had had enough, bursting into tears she launched herself at Vis and clung to him, thumping his back with her balled up fists as she wept, "I've got no one! No one but a dumb half-elf!" Vis knew her rage was only fueled by her grief but her words still hurt.  Soon she grew exhausted and fell asleep, her face tear stained and her long red hair tangled and matted from her thrashing. Vis rested his head on the tree as he sat, the girl sound asleep on his lap. "Whath am I thoo do?" he mumbled to himself.