Only human, of course, that was likely where their value fell short. Only human. Though, he had to wonder - did the brawler come back out only to argue with him, then go back to bed once more? Was arguing with a supposed refugee so important to him? A supposed refugee who had supposedly lost so much? It was adorable, to say the least. Now, back to business... with Carver. He felt that his delivery was smooth and tactful, yet the paladin seemed to have interpreted his words in such a different way. Taken at face value instead of being contemplated upon. Indeed, these holy knights were valued for their initiative, though Arastoph felt they were too quick to act. As the paladin stood at his full height, raining his anger down upon the merchant, Arastoph held his composure but at least kept his eyes wide with intrigue and leaned back - if not to avoid the spittle from the knight's rage as he flung his coins at his lap. He watched the paladin retreat into his tent, annoyed at how poorly negotiations went this time around. Arastoph sighed aloud, then spoke up in a calm and easy voice, in his attempt to temper the paladin's ire. "Perhaps I should have clarified, Carver... but clarifications or no, I wouldn't have expected you to be so naive as to jump to conclusions so quickly without asking me to explain myself. Money is required if I am to rebuild my life. Money is the only thing that our society cares about. Without it, I'm as dead as I would have been back in Ravenwood." Arastoph paused as the reality of his previous situation sunk in. He really could have died. "I just ask that I receive the resources that would allow me to rebuild. As much as I would love to spend the rest of my days grieving over my parted kin... I will make it a mission to carry on; if just for her." He ended his explanation there, not expecting an answer back from the paladin. He hoped, at least, that the knight would hear what he said and consider it. Sleep on it. Arastoph looked around the camp that had suddenly grown quiet. He never was much of a sleeper. Less so outdoors, and less so among strangers. Especially if one or two of those strangers distrusted him. The most he will be able to do this night is to rest his eyes, and listen to the excited activity of the forest.