The rest of the night was rather eventful for Alula. She had returned to the field where she first departed from the group, only to discover that her allies were nowhere to be found. Not only that, but the space at one point had been occupied by raiders. Likely the same raiders that Alula was able to drive away. Alula had considered this a sign, and was ready to leave with Alula to find a newer and quieter location. But a quiet, anxious, voice in the back of her mind urged her to keep searching for the rest of her friends. Of course Alula knew where they were, it wasn't difficult to locate them. They had not yet fallen asleep, and Alula knew she had to wait until at least the majority of them had gone into their tents. After waiting for awhile she noted that all who remained were the current watch, as well as a few stragglers. It disturbed her that the half elf and girl stayed outside. There was also a new presence, two in fact, but she would leave those to the morning. Alula drifted into the field where they had decided to make camp. She looked up at the moon with a smile. She felt much better, much stronger, now that she had had her time to bask out in the moonlight. All she had needed was some alone time to charge. Her glow as much brighter then before, as if she was her own light in the sky. She looked over at each of the tents. The girl seemed content to rest outside. [color=6ecff6][i]"Child, you are lucky I was given control this night. But your luck will not continue for long. You will have to tell the others, despite that scaring you."[/i][/color] She drifted silently through the field, avoiding the gaze of the watch. With a soft sigh Alula floated gently to the ground, the tall grass seeming to pull towards her. Her light slowly dimmed out before leaving Alula completely to sleep in the grass. And she would remain there until morning.