[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] Kelvin nodded wordlessly as the elf came over, taking on the burden of both a small child and the young woman himself. He sighed with relief as she was lifted off of him, though the relief came from the release of responsibility, rather than weight. He kept his eyes closed as they trudged deeper into the darkening forest. Alone. It was really his choice now. Continue with their few companions, and bind his fate to theirs, or maybe give up and let worst roll over him. With the others, he had no choice, as their lives became tied to his decisions. Now however, at least those two girls would survive. He had done his duty. Kelvin remained there peacefully, crossbow ready on his lap, until Carver’s nearing calls brought him to wakefulness. [i]I guess my story isn't finished quite yet.[/i] [b]~~~TimeSkip~~~[/b] Setting up camp was a simple task, one that he relished. Proper supplies. It was great fortune that Separ had procured supplies before fleeing the ruins. The tents were fine, if they crammed in, but there wasn’t a way to stretch the sleeping rolls between so many people decently. Some would go without. Even so, setting up the tents was quick and automatic for him, so Kelvin took pleasure in working with both Separ and the little Gnome, answering questions freely. Even so, it was late when they had finished the cold camp. No fires tonight. He waved a hand in Carver’s direction as the watch order was called. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”I’ll take the double watch. I don’t mind the time to think.”[/color][/b] Kelvin yawned and held up a hand to forestall an inevitable paladinish protest. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Look at it this way, not only have you been fighting today, but you need to be at your best for tomorrow. Let some of us take the smaller loads so you can focus on bigger challenges.”[/color][/b] He sat back against a tree- not far from the girl- to watch the slight debate between the newest rescued villager, Carver, and Separ. He personally didn't like the way this conversation was going, mostly because he probably had more valuable stuff than anyone else here, save possibly the paladin’s armor. On the other hand, he didn't quite feel like crossing this guy either. The man looked more edgy than that half-elf, so Kelvin chose to keep out of the mess. He retired soon after Separ, sparing a thought for the missing Seer, though not for long. She probably had better protection than they could afford. His last act was to move the strange girl he and Vis had carried into a tent, rolling her onto a sleeping bag. Kelvin then proceeded to choose the tent [i]farthest[/i] from hers to sleep in. He wouldn't have been able to live with himself if she had woken up with him still in the tent with her. She had too much fun toying with the heads of men, and it was frustrating. Kelvin pulled his backpack into the tent with him, finding himself sharing with the gnome. Not a bad companion, though he still took care to arrange his things away from the creature. No need for accidents. With that taken care of, the engineer let out a breath and let himself sink into sleep.