"Don't worry, I looked around before coming out. There's no one around your door so I should be safe out here for awhile." Wrenna told him when he warned her about the danger. She really wished that scrying had been on her father's priorities things to have her taught, then she could have just carried a little mirror with her to always be able to check the surrounding areas for danger. Well it was never too late to learn fully as long as she stayed out of danger for however long she could... Then she finally got the news she was looking for. "..So...he's human...and he's not alone." Hm...if he wasn't alone, the others could save him, which meant that Wrenna didn't exactly have to act right away. "Oh, here." Wrenna said when he asked if he could lie down. He looked like he was about to fall over...She took his arm again and helped him to his bed. "Explain to me what he's with..." Wrenna asked. He called it a cult and was having trouble to call it something else, so his organization might not be part of the church, and while her father was considered a heretic by quite a few church officials, Wrenna was hailed as the hero of legends by the church none the less. So she doubted a cult would really follow her. Then again, it would have to depend on the cult.