"Electrocuted? What ever could you mean by that..." Lithe asked the officer questioning him. "Why is it assumed that one of us are the culprit than, perhaps you should be questioning [i]Mr. Tecumseh[/i] about the stability of his resort. In fact, I know my way around a wire. I could help the investigation" The Officer frowned as he replied. "Uh, sir. We will not be needing that. What we need is for you to place your hands here. Files from Uncle Sam mark you as a Code Black criminal. This resort will soon be sur-" He doesn't get to the end however, as Lithe has traversed across the room by means of electricity and is standing behind the Officer now, another one of the thin wires now wrapped around the officers neck and pulsating with electricity. Lithe would not let himself be sent back to be studied by the Government yet again. The Officer fell to the floor, dead as can be. There was no sound but a choked out shout. Lithe ran to the door, pulling his hand gun out and firing one shot into the air. He had one more bullet in the clip and eleven more bullets total "EVERYBODY GET THE HELL DOWN" He screamed. He fired another shot and everyone in the room fell to the floor, except for the police officers. It was too late for them though. Lithe channeled the electricity into a blast and shot it at the police officers. They were knocked out, but not killed, he'd need contact with a wire to their skin to efficiently do that. [i]We'll have to change that soon enough[/i] he thought. "You all are going to get down and slide your wallets to the middle of the room. Anyone who does not will be shot on the spot. You will then stay here for five minutes lest I come back and shoot another one of you. On my count you will begin this procedure. Three, two, one!" Lithe shouted. He grabbed the wallets and stuck them his coat pocket, which was surprisingly large, and got out of the dining room. He then made his way to the office of the owner. He once again get that money and spend it on a proper place to stay so he was NOT arrested at every place an authority looked him up. He also tied his mask around his face. As he approached the door he reloaded his handgun and shot the lock. One bullet in the clip, nine remaining.