[center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/c2/bd/06/c2bd060d7dd69cf3ba6789a9589d61e4.jpg[/img] [b]Name:[/b] Jeremy Rose [b]Age:[/b] 17 [b] Gender:[/b] Male [b] # Of Years You've Attended CHB:[/b] 2 [b] Godly Parent:[/b] Hypnos [b]Which Side You're On:[/b] Despite his father's neutrality Jeremy is leaning on the side of Athena, Zeus doesn't really have any logic besides selfishly wanting to stay on the throne it seems, plus Zeus has been known to lack self control in his rage and desire, Athena seems like a better choice to lead. [hider=Skills] [b]Relaxed[/b] - Jeremy has a very casual attitude even in a crisis, which causes him to act intelligently and not freak out in severely stressful events. [b]Unbiased[/b] - Jeremy, not prone to forming strong opinions one way or the other or being authoritarian, has a refreshingly unbiased view on things that focuses more on logic than any beliefs he has built up. [b]Planning[/b] - As Jeremy doesn't really feel any stress or push himself at all, not sticking to preconceived methods he is very in touch with the creative part of his mind and he can often come up with brilliant unorthodox plan. Now if only someone actually respected him.. [/hider] [hider=Powers] [b]Sleep Inducement[/b] - Jeremy can induce tiredness among individuals, while often not able to make then fall asleep unless they're already tired his power can often make them a lot less capable in whatever activity they are doing. This power can also be used on himself to make Jeremy fall asleep on command. Most animals are a lot more susceptible to sleep than people, as he found out the time he made a hellhound fall asleep and the time he accidentally made a bird fall asleep while it was flying. [b]Sleep Healing[/b] - When asleep, Jeremy heals from wounds and gains energy much faster than a normal person or demigod, with a full night's rest most major wounds would heal. [b]Memory Vision[/b] - Jeremy can catch glances of other people's memories and dreams, although he has very little skill in this and when it happens it is at random and he can only catch about 5 seconds of a random recent memory. [/hider] Personality: Jeremy, fitting of a child of Hypnos, always seems tired, yawning no matter how much sleep he has had. He seems lazy, not really wanting to do much besides sleep, but with sufficient cause he has been proven to be quite intelligent when he needs to be. He is always very calm regardless of how intense a situation is, trying to get problems over and done with so he can get some sleep and not have to worry about the world ending or something. History: Jeremy was raised by his mother, unaware of who his father was besides vague reference to 'a very important man in the world'. Although Jeremy now figures that ignorance was bliss, at least it was better than the event that caused him to find out. The first monster to attack him. It was a pretty ordinary day, Jeremy was lying down in bed as his mother made porridge for the two of them, and Jeremy was staring at the calendar. In three days it was going to be Jeremy's birthday, turning 12. All he wanted was a new pillow, and his mother knew it. As Jeremy yawned, hugging his pillow the way he was wont to do, he heard a scratching noise at his front door. Jeremy raised his eyebrows as the door exploded into splinters. A huge dog like creature walked into the room. It had to be half as tall as the house and twice as wide. Jeremy hid under the bed with a surprising sense of calm that was only broken when he heard a scream and the sound of snapping bones. The hellhound's steps were both felt and heard by Jeremy, and he saw a foot land right at his doorway. Then it stepped closer, and closer, and as Jeremy held his hands out like somehow that would stop the beast... [i]BAM![/i] The dog collapsed onto the floor, in a deep sleep. Jeremy cautiously stepped around it and looked at the kitchen where his mother was before. Completely gone. Jeremy didn't dare hope that his mother escaped, the lack of blood suggest that his mother was swallowed whole. He ran out onto the streets and eventually got caught by social services and when he gave his account of what he saw he was just labelled with schizophrenia and put into a children's ward. 3 years. That's how long he spent trapped only with the mentally ill for company and analyzed by the shrinks they had there. Jeremy found it worrying how they couldn't tell that he was sane, and tried to convince them of his sanity, but of course the only way they thought they were recovering was if they admitted their supposed mental illness, his supposed schizophrenia and what they viewed as very phlegmatic and lethargic behavior. When Jeremy was 15 they finally decided he would be alright having a few weeks leave, and ran away, eventually bumping into some half bloods on their way to Camp Half Blood. Jeremy joined them and came to Camp Half Blood, learning all about his father, making friends and sleeping. Well, mostly sleeping, with no direct parental figures Jeremy found he could sleep quite a bit. [/center]