Adriane slowly made her way towards the abbandoned post... The snow crunching under her boots with each step. It was the only sound she heard besides the howeling wind in her ears and the flapping of her cloak. She almost didn't come, with each step she was convincing herself more and more she should just turn back. Seven years. Seven years it's been since she saw her companions on that terrible day. She wanted to see them but she was scared of losing them again. She knew what it was about, what other reason would it be to meet at this frozen location, or at all for that matter. She paused when she saw the outpost in the distance. The frozen wind burning her nose and cheeks. Her crystal blue eyes scanned the decaying old post for any signs of activity. After a few moments she tucked her cheek closer and lifted her cloak to her nose to warm it after she forced herself to finally go. What would she say? 'Hi guys long time no see?' Or 'how's it going?' She groaned inwardly she really hasn't spoken at all to another 'human' for 7 years. she stopped again as she saw motion in what used to be the officer lounge. She froze... Not literally but close to it by now. He wanted to budge her feet but they wouldnt. All she could do was look. She started whimpering. She wanted to see them really bad but for some reason she was scared. Why ? These where her friends. Not some strangers.