Bundards axes flashed in the bright light of the roads clearing. The human turned at the rustling of Bundard entering the treeline, quickly trying to pull his pants up - while at the same time reaching for his sword.

Flying throught the air, his first axe met with the mans soldier, sending his left foot back to instinctivly steady himself. Before the breath from his lungs became a shout for help the next axe crunched into his skull. Sliding almost effortlessly through the the mans jaw bone, slicing his right eye in half.

His arms lifted a little to protect himself - a second too late. His right leg buckling he fell to both knees and toppled onto his back with a soft thud in the leaves. 

Pulling his axes from the dead corpse, Bundard cleaned the blood from them with a swift swipe of his cloak. Searching the body for any coins or trinkets, he found only a few gold coins. He took the warriors sword for his elemental to use.

Leaving the body amongst the trees, bloodied with its chainmail pants by its knees, Bundard once again ran briskly across the road.

The party couldnt be too far from his trap by now.