No idea if this is a little too dark but I kinda needed to make her a criminal so her personality contrasts her powers. [hider=Acacia Blackwood] [centre] [hider=General Appearance][img][/img][/hider] [hider=Clothing/Style][img][/img][/hider] [b]Name(First and Last):[/b] Acacia Blackwood [b]Age:[/b] 16 [b]Gender:[/b] Female [b]# Of Years You've Attended CHB:[/b] 0 [b]Godly Parent:[/b] Dike - Goddess of Justice [b]Which Side You're On:[/b] Neither. She's never even heard of the civil war but if she did then she'd still remain neutral. Zeus is a massive douchebag that doesn't seem to care a lot for the mortals beneath him and has been caught cheating multiple times but he's a decent leader and has kept the Gods together thus far. Athena has a superiority complex and isn't really in-touch with the other Gods but would be an excellent leader and strategist. Acacia will mostly stay on the sidelines, making sure nothing gets out of hand. [hider=Skills] [b]Judge of Characters -[/b] Acacia is wonderful at working out what motivates someone and what they're really like. Due to this, she's also rather good at picking up if someone is lying to her or attempting to mislead her. [b]Temptress -[/b] She uses her looks and the air of mystery around her to her advantage. She's not above using them to win a fight or get what she wants. For this reason, she's also a fine actress with the ability to trick most people into thinking that she's something that she isn't. [b]Impartial-[/b] Acacia is fair and will give everyone an equal chance unless they prove to her that they don't deserve this chance. This could, however, lead into her powers as she is physically incapable of harming the innocent. [/hider] [hider=Powers] [b]No Mercy for the Guilty -[/b] When fighting someone who has been judged to be guilty of some crime, Acacia's attacks instantly become a lot more deadly. Any weapons she uses during this fight will be lit with a deep, blue flame that will do damage if given the opportunity to. Similarly, if Acacia is fighting someone who is completely innocent, she becomes physically incapable of harming them seriously depending on the level of their innocence. If she does continue to press on attacks at this person, they will have negative effects on her. [b]The Eyes of Justice -[/b] For short, seemingly arbitrary bursts, Acacia is capable of seeing into people's pasts or specifically, the sins they have potentially committed in the past. On occasion, she might catch a glimpse of the future but it's a rare event. While she gets these visions, she becomes temporarily blind with other symptoms including migraines and vomiting. [b]Dike's Binding -[/b] Acacia somehow has an affinity with most methods of binding. She'll break out of a pair of handcuffs quicker than any Hermes kid could and she has the weird ability to control chains almost like they were writhing snakes. [/hider] [b]Personality:[/b] At first glance, Acacia can seem almost quiet. She prefers to ignore others, finding that her visions of their past increase if she engages with them directly. That doesn't mean she's shy or unsociable. Quite the contrary, really. Acacia, if given the chance to, will be playful and a true trickster at heart. Her confidence is palpable as she doesn't find any real shame in her personality or her body. For that reason, she can be a real minx when it comes to guys as she regularly leads them on just for the sheer thrill of it. Although those emotions are hers, she regularly covers the deeper ones of inadequacy and loneliness. She grew up without anyone stepping into the mother figure and with a father who was vicious at the best of times and downright inhumane at the worst. She's always been stuck at the lower echelons of society, regularly falling on the wrong side of the justice system and not particularly caring about it. For someone whose powers revolve around being a justicar and doing what's right, she's done more wrong than most could. She has killed, thieved, destroyed and assaulted and this has taken a serious toll on her mental well-being. In essence, Acacia is a scarred soul carrying the burden of justice upon her shoulders. [b]History:[/b] Dike had never had a single child throughout history. Her job was a key one and throughout most civilizations, she was held far above her station as a simple, minor Goddess. For that reason, she never had time to have children. Why she chose Acacia's father, however, the young demigod will never know. He was a detective for the NYPD and although he wasn't corrupt (yet), he wasn't exactly morally superior. Despite this, her mother had a short fling with him and after a few months, it ended with her disappearance and a new baby girl at his door. He did alright in terms of a father for her first few years. He had a girlfriend and Acacia had a moderately decent childhood up until the age of six when her father was caught taking bribes from some of the local crimelords. His life fell apart as he lost his job, his girlfriend and most of his friends. There was something he could never let go, however - his daughter. She was there for every bout of anger, every spout of hatred. As she grew, he became more prone to heavy alcoholism and on occasion, drugs. Not only that but he began to develop the idea that all his problems had stemmed from her and her mother. What started with shouting quickly turned to beatings as her father slipped down into sheer madness. Eventually, he snapped when Acacia began to question him on who her mother was and where she had gone. One evening, when she was nearly twelve, he came at her with a kitchen knife. The first slash nearly gouged her eye out and left her with a nasty scar over it. The next caught her arm and the final hit was the knife imbedded deep in his stomach. She hadn't meant to do it but her hereditary ability to fight kicked in. He actually survived as she called an ambulance but after three months of terrible pain, he died due to an incurable disease that had slipped into his bloodstream. To say she cared would be a lie - she barely even regarded him as her father. What she did care about was the fact that she was placed into social services. That lasted for about a month before she eventually ditched it for a life on the streets. Petty crime carried her for a year but as she went on with her life, she began to pick up on powers she had. Acacia had the ability to peek into people's pasts, she seemed to be a pretty decent fighter and a rather excellent liar. She got herself involved in some real money-making ventures with drug-runs and even got a position in a local gang after making a name for herself. Life was good for a while - she made just enough to live a decent life at sixteen and even began to save so that she could leave New York. Then the shit hit the fan - although she was the only child of Dike and monsters literally didn't know her scent, they began to pick up on her location and the smarter ones used the criminal underworld to trace her. Eventually, she was scouted out by a team of demigods from Camp Halfblood and when she was told of the secret world of the Gods, Acacia wasn't surprised in the least. It answered everything. With her curiosity piqued, she agreed to come with them to the Camp when it started back at the beginning of summer. She still has no knowledge of her Godly parent nor does she have a firm grasp of her powers but there is one thing for sure - they certainly have never seen anything like her before. 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