I can't play ff XIV :( i don't have the laptop that good (yet) BUT I will say that based on the following info Our story will be set in the early ages when technology is about as far as a prototype generator which will eventually replace magic flying air crafts and make electricity wide spread. It's still an age of kingdoms however, and wizards are the modern day engineers. Races: Hume, Moogle, will be the most common, the canon races from all other games will be considered rare. Like... hmm If Fran from ff12 had a sister and those were the only two viera in the game that would be the rarity of other races. That being said if you choose a canon race you're going to get an important role assigned to you like, duke, king, or prince or something. ALSO Royalty will take a very special role in this setting. The concept of a kingdom is very different here. Such as the King who does not live in a castle and isn't actually a blood line as much as a god choosing a particular person per generation. I'll explain much more later. ANYWAY custom races will be uncommon but more popular compared to canon races. If you wish to make one there will be a template for culture and such. I would like to say our setting is a blended culture where the kingdom is currently taking refuges since several kingdoms are prepping for world war 1. (something something the gods created something that isn't so good for the world population, something something piety something something angry god is pissed, soemthing something I have nothing in stone) CLASSES. IMPORTANT. Our kingdom is the Navire Kingdom, home of the Sky Wizards. So Sky Wizard is a thing. (Magic) Paladin and Dragoon (Semi Magic and Pure Physical) Ranger and Archer (Semi Physical and Ranged) the last of "military" endorsed classes is Summoner who gets a bonded creature that is always customized. Then we have Street classes such as Thief, Monk, and Mage who are all not endorsed by the military so they don't follow the orders of the kingdom and instead are contracted by them. The big difference between the Mage and Wizard here is that the Wizard is a creator of spells for military, infrastructure, and academics. The Mage is a specialist such as Black Mage, Blue Mage, Green Mage, etc that is off on his own for his job. The kingdom contracts them if they've got a big project on their hands and their a wizard short. Anyway, as Citizens or Representatives of other countries, I'd like you all to pick a Class, Race, and non-combat Job such as "engineer, academic, smith," which fits an early fantasy theme involving magic and only the start of technology. If that's an avenue you want to develop for the rp then we can. ANYWAY Cid is head Wizard, one cannot have final fantasy without Cid. It's gunna be small group casual. I don't mind more than 5 people as long as we're all posting.