The same armed-to-the-teeth guards noticed as another inmate had found the stasis cell room, and now wandered closer and closer to Imogen herself. Unbeknownst to them, she had noticed her as well, and watched through the one-way glass as the woman approached her cell. Maybe this one would free her...wait, nevermind. In only a few moments one of the guards slammed a fist into her gut before dragging her out of the room, shouting "This room is off-limits! No unauthorized personnel!". Pity. In her current situation, her only chance at freedom rested in the hands of the other inmates, if not a sympathetic guard or technician that operated her cell. In her own mind, Imogen seethed. She had been gotten the best of; they had beaten her, and now she was at the complete mercy of criminals. The vexing cell she was trapped in deprived her of many movement, and her muscles desperately needed to stretch. She swore, if anyone managed to free her, she would owe them, after she repaid her captors for incarcerating her. She might even take the time to find the guard that hurt the inmate that found her cell.