Arastoph lended the women a courtesy glance and nod, but remained uninterested in the woman's advance. Indeed, his sexuality was that of an odd one, even in his youth, lacking most if not all [i]sexual[/i] attraction to the people around him. Howe'er, with his view on mankind as a whole, finding an attraction in others outside of sexual appeal was a futile effort - and neither was he keen on advances upon the beast races. Still, shooing away the woman was hardly worth the effort, and for what gain? He'll let her advance as she pleased, assuming it fell within the realm of his own consent. Contact? Not even close. "I've obtained a formal education," he answered Suki, "the subject is hardly complex." The paladin, while not relinquishing his evangelical death grip upon the gnome, was at least willing to let others express their opinions freely. In that, there was some respect to be held, albeit expected from the better of paladins. He still felt the majority of the order was remarkably unintelligent, taking all things into consideration - or unwise, at least. When Carver broke the news of his visitor that night, Arastoph barely held back a laugh as a snide comment or two came to mind. "Oh, Carver!" Arastoph bemoaned. "I did not think you to be the type to sleep with children. I suddenly feel less guilty about requesting monetary compensation."