[b]Alessandra Guillory[/b] Alessa and Jason were about to make their ways out of the resort when they were stopped by police. Alessandra explained who she and Jason were, showing the id's that the School had provided for them and explaining that they were invited to the resort by the owner to get aquainted with each other and learn more about the dig project. It was then that Alessa and Jason heard the gunshots not too far away. Both instinctively froze as the officers questioning them ran towards the source of the gunshots. Then however, they could smell something like burning flesh wafting out of the dining area. "Shit, Alessa let's get out while we still can!" Jason said as he tried to tug her out the doors, but Alessandra was firmly in place, eyes fixated on the dining room. "You go, I'm going to take care of this" "Alessa, who ever that is they will most likely try to kill you, or worse" "Jason, maybe this is the chance for me to figure out my powers, to actually do something with them" "You barely know HOW to use them!" "Well, I'm going to figure it out then!" Alessa said as she jolted over towards the source of the commotion. Jason wasn't sure what to do, whether he should follow after that crazy lighting powered girl or get the hell out of there. He chose the former, going after her to try and convince the girl to get out of the resort. [b]Zaynab Roussani[/b] Zaynab checked her watch several times over to see if maybe she was just missing something. "Hmm, I guess he's not coming" She said to herself as she laid down on her couch. The Lead elemental fiddled with her Hijab, trying to keep the fabric out of her eyes as she laid back, relaxing and almost dozing off to sleep as she looked out over the mountains from her room window. It was so peaceful here, finally a place without gunshots, tortured screams and the clamor of war surrounding her. This was the first bit of peace she had experienced since Mahmoud rescued her from being trampled by that crowd. That was all interupted by the sounds of gunshots and screams from a distance away. "Damn, not now!" she said, angry at the fact that someone had broken her peaceful relaxation. Probably some common thug, someone she could put an end to quickly. Zaynab got up and opened her door slightly to see if anything could be seen from her room. That was when she caught a glimpse of a masked man walking past her room. It took only a few seconds for Zaynab to recognize him from his distinctive eyes alone. It was the man from the restaurant. She knew it all along. Zaynab thought about what to do, she could easily rush him and take him down, her lead like density alone would injure him she thought. She would do just that. Zaynab exited her room when Lithe was a distance away, as he began loading his handgun, Zaynab charged towards him, lunging at him to try and pummel him to the ground. [@Slenderpman]