Burning. Burning. Why were her eyes burning? She shivered despite the overwhelming heat encompassing her body. All she could see was a white light, searing out her other senses. Was she staring into the sun? She could hear far away voices, like memories lost in time, but they were overshadowed by music. A song so enchanting that she found herself completely dazed. She felt pulled in by its radiance, the sounds of words she could not comprehend and tones that she could never remember. She blinked a few times, rubbing her eyes, trying to break from its pull. Eventually the light died down, becoming nothing more then sunspots in her vision, but the music remained. It was soft like the final echoes of sound across a lake, but she was still aware of it. Once her vision cleared she noticed she was looking in Carvers direction, and he had smiled and nodded. Alula sat in silence for a few moments, trying to get her bearings again. Her companions were gathering together, maybe to talk about next plans. And there was another child with them. Voices began to scream, a warning, but she did not heed them. The child mentioned her hat, and then beckoned to another stranger. Her hat was tied around his neck, no doubt. She struggled to her feet, trying to keep weight off of her crippled leg, and with staff in hand began to hobble over towards the group. She stopped in front of the strange man, paying no heed to the dangerous child next to her, and looked him dead in the eyes. Without her hat it was clear to see her eyes were glowing. Her expression was one of anger, and she opened her mouth to speak words she did not understand, and yet knew more about then anyone. "Born into this world, pure and yet hated. To atone for crimes never committed. A full life never to live." Her expression changed, from anger to understanding and then quickly back to her default expressionless. She understood. But he still had her hat. Alula grabbed her coin purse out of her robes, trying to force it into the strange man's hands. She pointed to the hat, struggling to find words.