[b]Characters: [color=sienna]Masilalt[/color] and [color=ed145b]Eliza[/color][/b] [hider=bffs] Well, now that Eliza almost ruined one of her friendships and figured out something rather startling about herself, it was time to get back to deliveries. "[color=ed145b]Okay...Okay...Who's next?"[/color] Eliza mumbled as she ruffled around in her bag for the next stop. [color=ed145b]"Masilatabhrata...hm, well that's a new one."[/color] It was true that new people on Eliza's route wasn't a rare thing, but by now they were growing far less common. She wondered what they were and where they came from. She just shrugged after a minute, knowing she was going to get the answer to one of those questions soon enough. She went to where the address was and realized she was pretty close to where she was earlier when she helped that Dullahan girl. [color=ed145b]"Huh, they must live close by. What an odd coincidence!" [/color] Eliza landed (gracefully this time) in front of this Masilatabhrata's door and knocked gently on it, waiting for an answer. Masilaltabhrata didn't waste time in thinking of Werner once he was out. Things turned out as well as he could have hoped for, and that was that. If he came back later, it would be a different story. But right now he had orders to fill and illnesses to look into, and a strange car was the least of his concerns. He took a rag and cleaned off his dirtied table before taking the time to look through his notebook at the list of clients that would be swinging by. For once, there weren't a lot, only three in the twelve hours he would be working. It was a welcome relief from the floods of customers he had been getting earlier in the month. Of course, that meant less income, but he was fine as it was. A couple mason jars sat on the counter as he prepared some herbs for chamomile and Valerian teas for an anxiety-prone client. He took down a string of spices form his ceiling when he heard a faint knock on the door. Odd. Werner must have closed it when he left; he usually left the door open when he was free. He threw the herbs over his neck, and upon opening the door he froze. A calm demeanor immediately stiffened and the demon took a step back, suspicious eyes looking over the angel. This was the courier, wasn't it? Hadn't she been here earlier? He quickly thought about any packages he should have picked up from the office before she could get to them, and turned up blank. [i]Damn. I'm already getting careless.[/i] [color=sienna]"What."[/color] His tone of voice was as inviting as the half-open door. [color=ed145b]"Oh! Hello! I think I saw you earlier."[/color] Eliza said cheerfully, but then noticed the tone in which he spoke, and his demeanor. Oh...this was one of those demons...the one that thought she was actually a divine angel. Really, other than the power of flight, the only other power she had in common with one of those types of angels was being nice to people, which really wasn't a power. But she did not let that get to her. [color=ed145b]"Well Mr. Masilatabhrata, I'm here because I have a package for you."[/color] She told him with a bright and friendly smile as she got it out and handed it to him. [color=ed145b]"And I'm sorry if this might be rude of me to say, but I think you might have the wrong idea about me..."[/color] The way Masilalt took the package was very methodical, making sure not to touch her as he took it and looked it over. [color=sienna]"Yes, yes, we saw each other. We both see many people in the day, I'm sure."[/color] He commented, completely uninterested. Looking back at her, he shook his head. Luckily this wasn't an important package, just some gifts from a friend, but he still didn't like the idea of an angel having access to his mail. Upon her comment, he flashed his fangs in disgust.[color=sienna]"Explain."[/color] He could be very florid in his language, but this wasn't one of those times. The sooner she was gone, the better. Ugh...this was not the type of customer she liked to deal with. She could understand why he didn't like her if he thought she was divine, but well...she had never met an actual angel but she was pretty sure people could tell the difference between her and a divine angel if they had seen both of them. [color=ed145b]"I am not divine. I hold no holy power. I am no threat to any demon, my presence isn't one that would counteract with what you would do."[/color] She wasn't sure what this guy did, but "your holy presence is messing with my work" was what one demon told her one time, before she could explain that she wasn't that kind of angel. [color=ed145b]"I even live and work with a demon! I am simply a person with wings. I mean, look at me. Do I look like some sort of divine heavenly spirit?"[/color] Eliza hadn't meant to go off on that tangent, but she got really tired of demons doing this to her... Masilalt sighed, playing his package on his table. To his surprise, he fund himself laughing at what she said. [color=sienna]"Oh, I know you descend not from heaven yourself. But, you are still of their blood. You children of god are inherently holy."[/color] He looked mildly offended at the fact that she believed she knew what her presence would do. [color=sienna]"I don't think you're understanding my business, [i]angel[/i]. You alone won't do shit, but we will definitely mess with my setup."[/color] Opposing forces like theirs could throw everything off, and he really didn't want to deal with that. [color=sienna]"Am I supposed to be impressed? I've seen angels and demons working together. It makes sense, considering we ultimately fulfill a celestial cycle together. Looks can be deceiving, a messenger of all people should know."[/color] Overall, he didn't seem very impressed with the impassioned rant, but the door was now fully open. [color=ed145b]"Oh my go-...word..."[/color] Eliza mumbled as he continued on about how holy she really ways. She trying to refrain from using the word god in here cause it just seemed weird for her to use the name of the one deity she was trying to distance herself from. [color=ed145b]"So...what do you do then?"[/color] She asked as she looked through the open door, trying to steer away from how her presence would mess up his work. She could see a lot of plants and no electronics, but that could just be a preference. [color=sienna]"I am a watch doctor. Herbal remedies, crystal healing, et cetera et cetera."[/color] He leaned against the doorway in a half hearted attempt to block her view. [color=sienna]"Your name."[/color] It didn't strive well with him to know she knew his name, but he was clueless about her. Eliza didn't say anything when Masilatabhrata tried to block her view. It had been kind of rude of her to look in like that. [color=ed145b]"I see, that's interesting."[/color] She didn't get too many deliveries for any witch doctor. Maybe they also disliked her "angelic presence". [color=ed145b]"And my name is Eliza Bridde."[/color] She answered him politely, even going so far as to add, [color=ed145b]"It's a pleasure to make your acquaintance." [/color] Masilalt shook his head. Honestly, what was she trying to do? Impress him? Whatever it was, he wasn't amused. [color=sienna]"Look, I don't think you're understanding the situation here."[/color] He stood back up straight, [color=sienna]"I do not care if you call yourself holy or not. Hell, I wouldn't care if you accepted Satan himself into your heart. I have my problems with those who call themselves angels, and that includes you."[/color] He crossed his arms, something resembling a growl coming from him. The last time he had trusted an angel was over a century ago, and it wasn't going to be a mistake he made a second time. [color=sienna]"And I don't understand why you're so adamant on refusing this fact."[/color] [color=ed145b]"Because you're just assuming all angels are like! I don't like to be lumped into a group like that! You don't even know but because I happen to be an angel, you automatically dislike me!"[/color] Eliza took a breath, she was not ready to deal with this...not today. [color=ed145b]"If you would like any future packages delivered to you if you can not pick them up at the office, I'll be sure to send Ian over with them if that would make you feel more comfortable."[/color] She had to be professional about this and she would. Masilalt gave a dry, humorless laugh at her outburst. [color=sienna]"Did you know that's what all demons have to go through? Thanks to the words of God Almighty and the Holy Bible we get to experience this, from so many people, on a daily basis? You can deal with a single demon's prejudice, I'm sure. Without a doubt, you have a strong will."[/color] He had lost too much potential business in the past upon revealing he was a demon. It was the main reason why he would fake the appearance of a human for so long in the past. Alps were shape shifters, and it was because of that he was able to make a living off of what he did. Upon the conversation turning to Ian, the demon's attention peaked. He still held his defensive posture, but seemed to relent just a bit.[color=sienna]"Ian? ... That's the Incubus, isn't it? ... How the hell did you get him to work for you?"[/color] He hadn't met many people in the few months he had been in the town, but there were certainly legends about Ian. And while Masilalt would accept him as a fellow demon, he was told to watch for any missing items. Eliza had to admit, he had a point. Eliza had dealt with some...enthusiastic worshippers of god before, but demons probably had it worse when it came to them. She had certainly heard some horror stories involving people trying to exorcise demons. But Eliza didn't think on that for too long as Masilatabhrata turned the conversation on to Ian. [color=ed145b]"Yes, he's an Incubus. And I got him to work for me by asking if he wanted a job. He can make deliveries quickly and didn't have any stable work so he said yes, or I assume that's why he said yes. He's also good and honest worker."[/color] She added that last part because of the fact it was well known around town he was a bit of a pickpocket. There was a moment of silence as Masilalt looked at Eliza, thinking over the simplicity of the situation. Were things really that straightforward now, with no qualms about origin? [color=sienna]"...I'll have to meet him. But if you have a demon working for you than yes, that would be preferable."[/color] He wouldn't even think to admit it, but maybe she wasn't horrible. Maybe she was plying the poor Incubus for a fool, but he was beginning to believe the winged human had a chance to be decent. Well, business wise things seemed to be going pretty well now. [color=ed145b]"Alright then. I can either send him over here some time or you can meet him at the shop. Whatever works for you."[/color] Eliza looked at him...at least he didn't have the same look of displeasure on his face as he had at the beginning of the conversation. The displeasure was still there mind you, but at least it wasn't as intense as before. [color=ed145b]"Well then, if that's all I'll leave you alone than."[/color] Eliza told him, getting ready to turn and go. [color=sienna]"If he's off of work you can send him over whenever. This isn't that important and I'm sure he has things to do."[/color] Masilalt felt it would be rude to keep the incubus from working, even if it was only 5 minutes. He could have felt the same about the angel, but he didn't mind holding up a person he hated. [color=sienna]" Yes, yes, auf wiedersehen."[/color] He only half-noticed the foreign greeting, and didn't bother to correct it. German was the first human language that he learned, and even centuries later it still stuck with him. [color=ed145b]'Well he has the day off today so if I see him I might ask him to drop by. If not, I'll just ask him to when he has the time."[/color] Eliza told and when he said goodbye to her (she assumed it was a farewell. She wasn't familiar with...was it german he just spoke?), she added [color=ed145b]"And a good day to you too."[/color] Before turning around and launching herself into the air, off to give out the rest of the deliveries. [/hider]