A portal opened and a green hawk flew in. Once on the ground, he shifts back to himself before looking around and finding himself on an island. He took his titan caller and flipped it only to find he was not able to reach any of his team members. No Cyborg either. "Well, this sucks." He said while frowning at the screen. Sliding the titan caller back in his pocket, he began walking around. Another portal opened in the sky and a white-haired man came out of it. He landed on his butt as he fell to the ground. The fall had annoyed him a bit, but calmed himself once saw where he was. He saw he was on yet another island. "Another one?" He asked himself. Joey walked out of another portal which was next to Arin. A look of confusion appeared on his face as he had no idea where he was. He soon figured he was on island of some sort, but couldn't make out anything other than that. ___________________________________________________________________________ A dark portal with the smell of death formed itself on a palm tree and a man with a solid black robe who was holding a special book at his side stepped out of it. After closing the portal, the necromancer took a look at the place. As long as dino-boy was here, he could care less about where he was other than an island of some sort.