[center][b]Matthieu Xavier Juran[/b][/center] He stared at the wine inside of the glass, then took a sniff before a sip as he realized that it was indeed expensive red wine, perfectly aged and crafted by whoever created it. The Prince was honestly never that much of a drinker, but alcohol helped keep his mind off of the events of the night still to come. The room had all kinds of vampires like him inside of it, well groomed and manicured to their fullest extents. He however had grown bored of conversing with them as many had already approached him, many speaking in pompous tongues. His eyes scanned the room, as the vampire glanced over the many faces inside of it. He could feels the eyes of many of the faces on him as well, some in blank stares, other curious glances. It didn't surprise him at all, he was used to those kinds of looks by now considering his own family, royalty within the blood-drinking kind. He almost leaned against the wall he was standing near, then remembered the proper etiquette that had been hammered into his head like a nail through wood. "Excuse me, your highness, your presence has been requested upstairs." A human servant girl said to him, starting off the words with a bow, he was a prince after all. "Yes, I do hope that I wasn't keeping them waiting. I was just doing my duty addressing some of our honored guests." Matthieu said, his eyes upon the ground as he spoke before he gazed back towards the busy floor, his attention on a group of pretty noble girls, one of whom giggled when he looked at them. "I understand sir, but her highness did tell me to inform you with some urgency." The servant girl replied. "Of course, the last thing I'd ever want to do is to anger mother on a night such as this." Then he moved away, in the process downing his glass of wine and placing the now empty item in the hands of one of the servants running the floor. The Prince nodded and smiled at the nobles he passed on the way to his destination, all of them acknowledging him back. He arrived to find himself the first one there, his younger brother and sister not yet there, eventually Lucius appeared and tossed a nod at Matthieu who returned the gesture. Then finally Viridiana appeared, surrounded by a group of servants, her dress long, red and extravagant. God would only know how much that costed to make, but it didn't concern him, money never did, it never had to. The getup made Matthieu feel under dressed for a second, and adjusted his clothing, a fine black tuxedo, dark red undershirt and a red rose right above the breast pocket. He had to admit that she did look stunning as she approached his brother and him, locking a limb with each of them. Then he took a deep breath and waited for the night to really begin.