[center][h3]Kelvin[/h3][/center] Kelvin bolted upright in the tent, looking around hesitantly. Had that been a dream, or reality? He closed his eyes, rehearsing it in his mind a few times so it wouldn’t fade so quickly as dreams normally do. It was strange. Kelvin waved aside the tent flap and glanced out to make sure no one was near before turning away and sliding off his glove. There it was. It made no sense to him though. The engineer examined the writing closely, and flexed his grip. It didn’t seem to make much difference, so he pulled the glove on and gathered his gear, tying the sleeping roll to his pack. That finished, rolled up the gnome’s sleeping gear as well and hauled it out of the tent after him, turning to repack the tent- the most important part of breaking camp was efficiency. That done, he turned and moved to each of the unoccupied tents, rerolling bedding and taking down tents as he went. He put any misplaced possessions in a small pile next to the other piles, one of tents and one of sleeping gear. Of course, while he did this, he could see what was going on in the background. The girl was up and flirting. It was like she lived off of it. Though it was entertaining to see the merchant turn her away, with more success than Kelvin managed. The elf looked like he had been dragged through the underworld and back, and acted like it too. Kelvin grimaced and tossed the last sleeping roll he had been working on onto the pile. It would be a shame to make separ carry all of it, though Kelvin did have one sleeping roll on him. It wasn’t until the fool seer held out her sandals and dagger that Kelvin swept in. A slight grin tugged at the corners of his mouth as he did so though. He hadn’t worked in the merchant sector for a blacksmith and chemist for nothing. Kelvin put a hand over the sandals and knife, pushing the girls hands back towards her. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Oh, come now, there is no need for that.”[/color][/b] He offered a smile the merchant. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”See, we are a bit busy, and don’t have much on us. But we do need our equipment. I see you are a savvy man, so why don’t you join our crew?”[/color][/b] Kelvin waved his hand at the other companions. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”None of us are great bargainers, and it would be nice if we had someone who could manage our funds. You can take care of equipment, and we’ll let you handle the trades.”[/color][/b] Kelvin shrugged. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Besides, say you need funds to get back on your feet? Why not earn it from us. I am sure you can turn over plenty of cash if you stick around.”[/color][/b] He nodded at the coins in the other man’s hand. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Consider that a down payment for your services… Though I am sure that both Carver, the elf, and the seer would be appreciative if you gave her hat back as a sign of good will.”[/color][/b] Kelvin hoisted his pack a bit. [b][color=DodgerBlue]”Anyway, with that put to the side, I was wondering if you would be interested in helping me in a more… lucrative business venture? As you can see, I am a bit of a craftsman...”[/color][/b] Kelvin raised an eyebrow and twirled a stick of dynamite.