Ah, this was good. She offered her fancy knife and even the shoes off her feet for the hat. Clearly this meant a lot to her. He could probably squeeze some more out of her, but he couldn't just get every drip from a cow and expect it to produce more later. Not in a timely fashion at least. There was also the matter of prying eyes, and he had to keep an impression. He would refuse the sandals, but the dagger was a nice touch. It was quite the pretty one too. He could probably sell that off in the next market for a fat coin purse. Just as he was to accept the bargain, another interruption had occurred [i]'Gods be damned, they really have it out for me.'[/i] The man insisted that the trade was unnecessary. Insisted that they had little money and equipment. However, Arastoph's eyes narrowed as soon as the man started setting some honey. Praised him. Buttering him up. In a crowd like this one, where every other person seemed to have it out for him, he was naturally skeptical. Then he followed it up with an offer to join the band of dropouts. He felt tempted to immediately reject the offer. Though being an experienced negotiator, he held his tongue and waited for what else he had to say. The man continued, "None of us are great bargainers, and it would be nice if we had someone who could manage our funds. You can take care of equipment, and we’ll let you handle the trades." An interesting prospect, to be sure. Granted, if he were to be this... what, guild? This guild's official fence, then he should be expecting payment. They said they were poor. But at least being their fence would supply them with the money needed to pay him. The idea of working for someone else, though, was uncomfortable. "Besides, say you need funds to get back on your feet? Why not earn it from us. I am sure you can turn over plenty of cash if you stick around. Consider that a down payment for your services... though I am sure that both Carver, the elf, and the seer would be appreciative if you gave her hat back as a sign of good will." Earn it from them was the key phrase. He suggested that he worked for them, and Arastoph did not take orders well. The trader sighed at this idea. Arastoph started, "I do not work for others. I am, however, not opposed to the offer of participating in a business relationship in which we are both separate parties. I can provide my services in exchange for compensation, but I do not take orders. That in mind..." Arastoph shook the coin-purse. "This [i]is[/i] a generous down payment. However, you did intrude upon a separate business transaction being made before we've signed our contract and shook on it." That isn't to say he completely disrespected the man. He followed his offer up with another. Apparently the man was an engineer, and showed him his dynamite. His eyes lit up at the sight of it, and he smirked at the engineer. This would make quite the bang in the black market. He'd have to continue his search for contacts before he started introducing them to the market though. Arastoph will agree. On the proper terms, of course. The merchant cleared his throat, ready to set the boundaries of their deal being made. "I will agree upon the following conditions: this arrangement is based upon the mutual understanding that we are two independent and consenting parties, meaning I am under no obligation to follow any order issued by any member of your party. However, failure to uphold my end of the deal, or failure to uphold your end of the deal, will terminate this contract. All major transactions exceeding a twenty-five percent threshold of total monetary savings must consult me with their decision. Income based upon the transaction I, myself, have performed will be divided in a manner where I will receive thirty-five percent of the profit made on behalf of your party, and the rest goes to your party where it will be divided evenly between all members. On top of which, continued services will be maintained by two hundred piece payments monthly. "We both accept that I will be payed one hundred and sixty-five piece down payment prior to services beginning. I am forbidden to perform trades with members within your party that charges them an amount which exceeds a two hundred percent threshold of the actual value of my product or service. In addition, I am also forbidden to receive greater than thirty-five percent of the profit made during trades on behalf of your party. Business and trades on behalf of my party is unrelated to the business of your party and cannot be held accountable by the bindings of this contract. This contract does not bind other potential contracts made with other members of your party and of my party as long as they are made on an individual basis and does not pertain to the welfare of your party. I will also be given protection. Not just from the members of your party, but also from the hazards that could occur whilst traveling." Arastoph took a deep breath, and rolled his eyes. He would have to write that down alter. Much of the deal had a lot pertaining to himself and what he would receive. Of course it did. An arrangement like this has much that can be taken advantage of, and he had no intention of being taken advantage of. Granted, there was enough in their favor that hopefully the engineer would see it as fair. A thirty-five percent cut may seem large, but these people haven't seen what he was capable of just yet. He looked back at the seer girl gave her a sly smile with a twinkle in his eye. "That does mean that the money you give me will go to a different transaction. But given the opportunity offered to me is a fair replacement, the dagger you offer is sufficient. Would you like to continue the trade?"