[color=7bcdc8]Characters that are children with no real depth. Don't get me wrong, I love playing Children. I do not like it when their personality is basically either super hyper or terrified. That's it. Back and forth between those two. Or when children take on adult perceptions. The perception of a child can be absolutely astounding, specially in a Roleplay setting, if played correctly. That is rarely taken into account. Children that are way stronger or more skilled in areas that they just shouldn't be. Children bring their own things to a story. Prodigy Martial Artist greatsword wielding expert pyrotechnic bad ass isn't typically one of them. Children are really difficult to play. If you don't want to take the time to really develop the mindset for that particular child or even dig into some research on Child Behavior, then do yourself and the rest of us a favor an play something a bit older. There is a reason Children Characters tend to be taboo in the Roleplaying community.[/color]