Mulivon looked at Ian as if he spoke the most vulgar slur imaginable. [i][i]The Insolent Ian suggested that she become indebted to him! Of all the things![/i][/i] Trying desperately to refrain from an outburst she clenched her jaw and balled her hands into fist, but she forced an agitated smile all the same. He was taking her where she requested after all, a minor transgression could be overlooked... [color=ed1c24][u][b]"Though it might be best for you to get a job somewhere around here, as those won't last you in the long term. . . where are you currently staying anyway?"[/b][/u][/color] [i]A job?! Her home?! Did she really look like a newborn fawn?! [/i] Mulvion gasped as this verbal abuse continued. Her dignity felt all but destroyed as Ian continued to fire daggers, it was by the goddess mercy that he changed the focus of his conversation to the rather chilling woman. A strangely familiar look but at the same time foreign look helped her put the previous conversation behind her....For the moment. The woman Ian had called Isis had a most curious dress, while it did look far to constricting it was quite beautiful. The chill was enough to make her have the urge to shake it off, and wonder just why it had came on so suddenly. It was when the flakes began to fall around the woman in greater intensity that she noticed it at all that she thought her something of a divine hag! But when she showed the strangely colored frozen creams that her mouth would forget that she was mid being stripped of her dignity. [color=662d91]"Hag Isis, what is this you sell? Is it for decoration? It looks like a strange clump of snow! Insolent Ian why did you bring me to a colored snow sales hag? It is nice to see another Hag aside from my mother though. I am Mulivon! Of Morrigan! It is a pleasure to meet another of the wise ones!"[/color] As Mulivon fired off both questions and introductions she looked more intently at the strange wares, Lancelot already producing another gem from the strange infinite void of her headdress. [@Raijinslayer][@Sana] near [@Pyromania99]