[color=f7941d]“Bjór?”[/color] Kolskegg paused a moment in his movements. [color=f7941d]“You prefer Bjór?”[/color] Shrugging he continued his jog, quickly slipping a hand into the pouch, pulling the glowing runes stones from it. [i][b]"What's your name, then? Can't have a fight without knowing the other's name." [/b][/i] The rich baritone erupted again as the Viking stopped, facing the smaller man with the rifle, each wary of the other. [color=f7941d]“I am Kolskegg Hrolleifs’son. I am a shield Gothi for the great hall of Hrothgar, son of Odin. And you warrior, what do they call you in this realm.”[/color] As he spoke, the three runes slipped from his fingers, falling to the ground where they touched briefly before swirling away as so much ash. The land would buckle and roil for a bit longer before the temper tantrum of Hel subsided. The battle now required the Viking to close the gap, get close to the man and take away the advantage of his fire staff. Because of its size and judging by how the others used theirs, the length would be a hindrance while the sword and shield would provide a decided advantage in close. Pointing to the bullet hole in his shield, Kolskegg laughingly said, [color=f7941d]“Here. It was here that I knew you lay waiting to see how your thanes did. To see if I was worthy to face you.” [/color] Finishing, the Viking dropped off a small rise as the earthquake began subsiding. Grinning Kolskegg slapped his shield twice with his sword, then began a slow jog, lazily winding his way towards Cho.