[b]"So do you, for a dead man,"[/b] she smirked towards Fenros for a moment, her eyes jumping between those speaking. It suddenly became apparent that Fenros was probably right. They were suicidal to try this again - in all seriousness, only herself, Varrik, and [i]maybe[/i] Fenros were even in the right mind to have the resolve for such a task. For arguments sake, even if they did all share the same resolve, there were less of them now than before. Kayla had been more than willing, but seeing this rag-tag group of outcasts? Fenros and herself seemed to be the only level-headed ones left. Kayla spun again to press the small of her back against the window ledge, watching Fenros smile at the reunion and pursed her lips a little in thought before speaking. [b]"I think this is all this should be..."[/b] She waited for eyes to fall on her. [b]"A reunion. Let us have our smiles, our good cheers, revel in our old friendships... and move on."[/b] She knew they'd probably ask why. [b]"Not enough of us ready anymore it seems and we're a much smaller group. We have two people drinking ale like it's water for starters..."[/b] She didn't want to bring up Lumière's addled mind, feeling that would be going a tad too far. [b]"So unless we come up with a plan, the path of pushing our way to our weapons and marching on the kingdom will probably get the rest of us killed. The kingdom isn't right - I'll never argue with that, but maybe it's best we find somewhere else to settle? For once in my life... I would like to actually [u]be[/u] happy and not so alone..."[/b] She spoke with a tone reflecting bits of sadness and uncertainty. It seemed obvious by now that despite it having been seven years, she still hadn't found anyone to replace Desini's love for her.