If Ian was phased by the Yuuki Onna's cold words or actions, he didn't show it. He did look a little upset by Mulivon's unprovoked rudeness, but he'd ask her about that at a later poiny in the tour, when they didn't have to deal with an annoyed snow woman and an impatient minotaur. "My apologizes Sir, I'm sorry to keep you waiting and will make my decision forthwith. Isis, I'd like a chocolate ice cream, of you'd please." He made sure to put the money on the stand, so he wouldn't have a repeat of the Cafe. "Sorry, but I have to touch the stand to put the money down, so don't freeze me." Turning to Mulivon, Ian brow raised and a cheeky grin on his face. "Told you we should've hit up the pawn shop first." [@Sana] [@Satsuki]