Kotagnac had just finished hacking an unprepared elven warrior's head of with his shield when he saw a magnificant white light in the borders of his vision. He turned, and to his dispair, saw a beautiful elven princess standing above the ongoing battle, withdrawing from the expanses of her magic abilities, preparing an attack to wipe out his forces. "Dre'bachk, Sneklen, hurry, follow me!" He shouted to two high ranking orcs. "Perske' shoot that wench!" He shouted this to his horseback crossbowman as he and his other chieftans advanced upon the elven royal with their long sprinting strides. The smaller orc, Perske', readied a bolt, and let it loose, aiming at one of her armed gaurds, for no one was allowed to take a higher ranking officer's target. Kotagnak readied his shield to protect from enemy projectiles or magic coming from the small group, and let out a blood curdling war cry.