Wrenna let out a proud little smile when he started to go on about her illusion spell. He may have had the most powerful offensive spells, but at least she had a powerful magic of her own. "Well I had to do a lot of research. It took a little while since the royal library has very few books on demons in their for public sections. I had to get permission to go into the military section to really get a lot of information. Then I just picked a combo that would be inconspicuous. Now this dosn't actually need a lot of energy and doesn't take too terribly long to recharge. So I can use it all day and recharge it while I'm asleep. The downside is...well.." Wrenna reached over and picked up the knife that Soreth dropped and made a rip, a few inches long, in the sleeve of the dress. Almost instantly the illusion faded. "It's terribly fragile...Physical contact, if there's too much of it, could potentially reveal me..."