Kotagnak saw the incoming javelin and easily smacked it away with his shield, laughing at the weak attack. "You cannot hope to defeat me!" He roared in boast. "Throw up the ladder!" Several orcs levered a large steel ladder into place, and as it clanked into place, the hooks at the end latched it onto the elevated area. "Perske', cover us, then when we reach the top ride around and join us." "Yes, chieftan." Kotagrak waited for Sneklen to begin ascending the ladder before getting on himself, followed by Dre'bachk. This was customary to allow cover from above and below while climbing. They were about halfway up the ladder when a very loud horn-ish roar was heard. Kotagnac turned his head. "The mammoths are here, brothers!!" There were two of these mammoths, one hold a small trebuchet on the back. They were both about 200 feet away from where the elven royal was. Kotagnac then began to ascend the ladder quicker, urging Sneklen to move at faster pace.