Alula didn't pay much attention to Kelvin and the merchant as they talked about potential prices and deals. The concept of material wealth, as well as money itself, was strange to her. She was, in a way, relieved to no longer carry her coin purse on her. It felt like an extra weight, and not just in the physical sense. It felt like too much pressure to have gold, that would mean she would have to spend it wisely. And nothing seemed wiser then spending all of her gold on her hat. [i]His[/i] hat. Her prized possession although she could not remember when she became its owner. Their conversation eventually just became background noise. She tried to melt back into the background herself. She didn't like having the spotlight on herself, and trying to make the transaction with the merchant seemed to do just that. But that was over, and her hat was again where it should be. She tugged the rim of the hat down, covering her eyes. She kept herself a few paces away from the rest of the group, wanting to listen and not contribute much more. She listened as Furnace, again, over complicated things and as Separ and Carver had a brief exchange before Carver tried to direct the group back to their current plans. His cries seemed to fall on death ears. Kelvin, the merchant and Furnace were all having their own conversation about wealth and trade agreements. Suki was stranding off on her own, Vis and his child were off as well. Separ would likely have some opinions to state so there was still that. The dangerous child then tried to derail the conversation even more by asking Carver questions. Alula held back a snarl. She was no good at geography, she was foreign to this part of the land, and thus wouldn't be able to add much to the conversation. But getting on their way seemed like a good idea. Walking and talking would be fine, although Alula was bad at both of these things. She nodded to Carver, a gesture that was slightly lost under her hat, willing to do whatever he suggested.