[@Shadowcatcher] Ah, well, the reason I asked if I needed to PM was in case of unwanted clogging of the OCC. If you're fine with me discussing that here, then I'll do so :) Anyway, I have two characters in mind, one male one female; both are 'neutral', however that term is very loose when applied to them. The male is truly neutral in the sense that he wants to screw both sides over, while the female does what she can to appease both sides. The male is slightly inclined to Athena's side, while the female is slightly inclined to Zeus's side. With just a little bit of persuasion, the female can be convinced to fully support Zeus, however the male cannot be persuaded to follow any side. The male, in terms of godly parent and abilities is pretty standard, even if his personality isn't, so I don't really feel the need to ask if he's permissible. The problem is the girl, due to her godly parent being unorthodox - for plot and for other stuff, the girls godly mother is [i][b]Hestia[/b][/i], conceived by using similar methods to Athena. I don't feel the need to ask about her powers or skills, seeing as the only thing she can do is make people feel warm and calm them down, but I'm sure some people will have questions :D Anyway, that's about it until I work on the CS proper.