Okay, after some debate, both of my characters godly parents have become possibly become controversial. The female's mother, as stated earlier, is Hestia, while the male, who was originally supposed to be a son of Nemesis, hit a point of contention; now I'm torn - [b]Son of [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nemesis_(mythology)]Nemesis[/url][/b], goddess of Balance, Retribution and Righteous Indignation, and counterpart of Tyche (good fortune) [b]-OR-[/b] [b]Son of [url=http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moros]Moros[/url][/b], god of [i]IMPENDING DOOM[/i] and the End of Someone's Destiny, and the counterpart of Elpis (Hope). Both are children of Nyx, and siblings of Thanatos (peaceful death) and Ker (violent death) Problem is, Moros, according to myth, is one of those gods that's outside of even Zeus's jurisdiction; he's a Fate in all but name, but still technically a regular god, so I have [i]no idea[/i] what to do. Opinions anyone? :P