Soreth took the information into account as he went to find a clean knife for the bread again, deciding that they would likely have to start there before going with the plan he had in mind. Of course, he had expected that there would be a few snags to work out, what with the other various differences between humans and demons and all. The moment she actually asked about the plan though, he couldn't help but grin as he placed the other knife down on the table. "We're going to hide you in plain sight." Sitting down at the table, the demon began looking through the fruit as he continued. "I definitely don't want to start this until we're sure how much your disguise can take, but we can work on that today and maybe tomorrow if necessary. The fact is, we really can't just keep you in this room or the other one all the time, and I imagine that'd be really boring, anyway. However, if you can avoid being detected as a human, you can just stay here without having to dodge everyone's eyes all the time. The only thing we have to do now is give you a reason to be here, though, or you'll probably be kicked out." Pulling out an oddly shaped green fruit from the bowl, he placed it near the bread before picking up the knife to cut a slice from the loaf. "So, then...what kinds of skills do we have to work with? If all else fails, you could pretend to be one of the servants for a while, but I'd...kind of prefer if..." He stopped for a moment to think about how to word what he was trying to say without making it sound weird. "...If I could make sure you stay out of trouble, I suppose. Not that I think that you can't handle it, just...just in case, you know? One human, entire castle of demons...tight spot, there."