Yup, that was indeed what he was going for. It wasn't a bad plan to be sure but it would definitely put her acting skills to the test. "Well I wouldn't really mind boredom." Wrenna was used to it with her father when he wasn't getting her trained, "But you're right. Staying in the room for much longer isn't a great idea...But I'm not sure how well I would work as a servant. It's not that I'm afraid of getting my hands dirty with work, its just I don't really know how to do a servant's job. I've never had to clean or do anything like that so this might be hard to pull off...and I would like to stay close to you as I'm not exactly well-versed in how you demons interact with one another." Wrenna sighed, "Well this is going to be interesting to say the least..." There was so much to consider with all of this now. Not only would she have to figure out how to act with other demons without looking suspicious...And she would have to come up with a backstory for herself...