Final and second character~! After this, no more, I swear! (Unless [@Knight of Doom] asks me to, in which case this loyal slave has no choice but to comply) [hr] [center] [b]Name:[/b] [i]Cleo Medax[/i] [b]Age:[/b] [i]17[/i] [b]Gender:[/b] [i]Male[/i] [b]# Of Years You've Attended CHB:[/b] [i]4[/i] [b]Godly Parent:[/b] [i]Moros[/i] [b]Which Side You're On:[/b] [i]Neutral (leaning Athena)[/i][/center] [b]Appearance:[/b] Long straight black hair that reaches to his shoulders, with strips of white and gray hair distributed randomly. He's slightly taller than average, about 189 [sup]cm[/sup] (6.2[sup]ft[/sup]) with sunken, thin black eyes. He's thin, but with lean muscles as befitting a demigod that regularly fights. Of particular note is his long, spidery like fingers and severely scarred body. Unlike Angela, he does little to hide them. [b]Skills:[/b] [i]Empathy[/i] - not a power or a skill. Simply good at reading emotions, to the point were it's almost like mind-reading. [i]Deductive Reasoning[/i] - Cleo has a sharp mind, and while it is unorthodox, he is easily able to find solutions, problems, information, lies, truth and parse information he hears. [i]Perceptive[/i] - He has sharp perception, and is skilled at finding small details or flaws in an object or argument. He generally uses this in combat to find weaknesses. [i]Oratory Skills[/i] - He is a master in the arts of speaking. He can go from eloquent and cold, to rough and passionate. He can become anything he needs to get the crowd to listen to him. And when he talks, his voice for some reason compels people to listen - even when they desperately don't want to. [i]Ruthless Fighting[/i] - Cleo doesn't fight like a human. The people who see him fight think he fights like a monster. They're wrong; Cleo fights like neither - he fights like a dead person that see's nothing wrong with inflicting a similar fate on his foes. He fights like he doesn't care about his own body, and it shows. He abuses and tortures his targets mentally and physically, forcing them to wish they had never existed, because fighting him is a realization that not even death can save them from endless pain. [b]Powers:[/b] [i]Child of Impending Doom[/i] - A power he has no control over. If anything with a soul near him is destined to have an unfortunate encounter, he will know about it. When he figures out about it will depend on how terrible the destiny is. If said destiny is not so bad, he will probably only find out about it just a few days before it happens. If it is something terrible, he will know of it immediately - this applies to even gods and monsters. If that destiny is somehow related to him, and is close to being fulfilled, he will become heavily empowered, to the point of far surpassing even children of the Big Three - the problem is, at that point, he is no longer the one in control, but his father Moros, is. The god will remain in control until destiny is fulfilled. [b]Personality:[/b] Cleo is twisted. Not good or evil, simply twisted. He is human, definitely, and yet he does not feel like one. He loves life, and yet he seems so desperate to end it. He has an almost undecipherable set of morals, and despite the fact that he does not seem to enjoy inflicting suffering, he does so laughing - to Cleo he feels like he is compelled to enjoy this suffering, or else he will break. He brings the flaws out of a person for everyone to see, and talks cheerfully about death and destruction. His world-view is nigh unshakeable, and almost nothing can sway his opinions on things; unfortunately, he also makes it a point to constantly talk about his world-view, which, obviously, is depressingly painful. Cleo is not totally random, however; he does have his constants. He does not act so long as he does not believe it is necessary - in fact, that is the only time he will act. Everything he does is out of necessity, and nothing else. If it is necessary to do anything, then he will not act at all. Fear is something Cleo knows, but it is rare that anyone can cause him to feel the emotion, because his fears are not so simple that they can be exploited. In fact, it may even be impossible to. No one's ever tried before. Cleo puts value in almost nothing, believing that it isn't worth the time. In contrast, the things he does value, he outright worships and protects reverently. [hider=History] [sup]*[/sup] Cleo was born just like any other normal demigod - a god takes interest in a mortal, and ends up having sex with her. What made him special, however, was his godly parent: Moros, son of Nyx, brother of Thanatos, and the god of Impending Doom, a god that is practically one of the Fates in his own right, and fittingly, even Zeus fears him, as the destinies he gives (or prophesied - no one is really sure how fate works except the ones who weave it) are not only unchangeable, but also terrifyingly and sadistically painful. It was simply his nature. Moros was a god who had never before sired a child. Why he did so now was a mystery, but the fact remains that he did so. His child, Cleo, was not even a particularly powerful demigod, when speaking solely about his abilities. It seemed that Moros had simply met his mother - a random prostitute by the name of Annabeth Medax (who has no relation whatsoever to a certain [i]other[/i] well known Annabeth)- and had him simply because he felt like it; everyone else thought so, except his own son. Cleo was aware of his status as a demigod from almost the moment he could think rationally. He was told what he was by a monster when he was the age of five. Said monster, a single cyclops, told him so, then proceeded to try to eat him. It was at this time that Cleo would realize what being the son of Moros meant. It was at this time that he realized that his mother was going to die. It was at this time that he realize that he had no choice but to let her. It was at this time that Cleo shoved his mother in front of the cyclops, using her body as shield, right before he stabbed the cyclops through the eye with a metal pipe. That event was the first defining moment of his life. It defined the world for him. It made him realize that everything was doomed to end, and worse than the fact that there was nothing he could do about it was the fact that he was compelled to make sure that this doomed destiny would come to pass. He was sent to an orphanage near Camp Half-Blood, subject to intense scrutiny and suspicion. The police and media suspected he was responsible for his mothers death, however could find no incriminating evidence to charge him with patricide. The fear and suspicion was fueled even more by the fact that Cleo seemed so uncaring about the whole ordeal. His mother just died a gruesome, bloody death, and he was not so much as shaken. Even worse was the fact that more terrible things seemed to happen in his presence, and most of the time, all these terrible accidents looked like they were orchestrated by him. At the orphanage, he would encounter the second most defining moment of his life: The first time he met Angela. She was one year old at the time, a quiet child left at the doorstep. To everyone else, she was another sad case. Sad, yes, but ordinary. Nothing special. To the five year old Cleo, however, that small infant left in the basket that day for some reason looked so bright to him. When she smiled, it was impossible for him not to smile back, even if it was a sarcastic smirk of a smile. If the incident with the cyclopes defined his world view, meeting Angela gave it that definition meaning. As Cleo grew up with her, that was what he realized. There was still somethings to value in this world, and he could see it in the way that Angela acted. Her purity and her love of life was something was something that drew him to her. When he was thirteen, he was found by Camp Half-Blood. He did not reveal Angela's status as a demigod, and he unceremoniously arrived at the Camp. There, he was constantly avoided, not so much for his parentage - that contributed, but not nearly as much as it did for children of Hades - but because of the way he acted. It seemed that Cleo cared nothing for his fellow campers, and even openly frightened and intimidated them. His words describing the death of all things cut into their ears and shook their psyche. Eventually, everyone avoided him. Cleo could care less. What he did care about were the combat skills that he could learn from the Camp. He was already frighteningly violent and skilled in the art of ending others lives, but at the Camp, he refined it into something [i]more[/i]. He was not a killer anymore; now, he was demigod who could kill with impunity. He used these skills primarily to safeguard Angela as she grew up. Together, the two of them attracted countless monsters. He didn't use these skills as much as he could have, though - Angela had the uncanny ability to befriend monsters and turn them to her side. And while they never stayed near for any period of time, they occasionally helped with more stubborn monsters. When Angela turned thirteen, Cleo himself brought her to Camp Half-Blood, but he did so looking like he wanted to murder something right before killing himself. He looked scared, angry and pitiable. To those that knew him, they marveled at his state. He had never been like this before. The cause behind this, however, was nothing recent. Ever since he had first met Angela, he knew she was destined to die a miserable death. He knew when, and he knew why. He just couldn't accept it, nor could he forgive his father for giving her such a fate, even if he knew that it wasn't his fault, not really. Most of all, however, he couldn't forgive himself for being the one to lead her to that death.[/hider]