[color=f49ac2]"Is that kid sick or something? He looks kind of sick and... I mean not right."[/color] [color=00a651]"Nah don't worry about that guy. He is just some weirdo that showed up a few months ago. He hasn't been claimed yet, but he probably is a Hades kid if you ask me."[/color] This was the gossip between two campers, as well as many others, when they saw the pale Damian walk past them, his hands stuffed into the pockets of his jacket and his eyes glued to the ground. Ever since he was brought to camp a few months ago by Danny Ashwood, a rather young and ambitious Satyr, Damian had been quite the mystery to everyone. He almost never talked to anyone and when he did it was always in short clumsy sentences, which tended to confuse people more than when he was just silent. He didn't hang out with the other campers, not that any of them wanted him around much anyways, so he was usually seen sitting alone on the porch of the cabin he was told to stay in or heading off into the woods by himself. As far as anyone knew he wasn't claimed by any god yet so of course campers started rumors who son he had to be. Some said he was the son of Hades, he looked creepy enough, others guess he might be one of Phobos's or Deimos's kids, he did give off that scary vibe. Needless to say none of the rumors painted Damian in a positive light, then again he never got to chance to know what a positive light really was so the rumors didn't really bothered him. They confused him more than anything, why would people think Hades is creepy? The god of the underworld was rather tamed and civilized when compared to others. This thought sat on Damian's mind as he walked the camp grounds, he had become quite familiar with the lay of the land in the past few months, though now more and more campers were filing in it became harder and harder for him to navigate without having someone bump into him. He narrowly missed having someone walk into him, it was some girl who was blatantly staring at some boy, who was practicing his sword fighting technique, and mumbling to herself [color=92278f]"By the gods he's a fine piece of work..."[/color] Though Damian had no clue why, the boy's stance needed some serious work. It wasn't long after that Damian found himself dining pavilion which was crowded with students. Damian had to rack his brain as to why everyone was eating together, there was obviously no shortage of food so no one had to share or anything of that nature. Then he was able to recall that this was a chance for people to speak to each other over food, it was called dinner.... no no that was later in the evening this was... Breakfast! Yeah that was it. Damian mentally gave himself a slight pat on the back for remembering proper term before making his way to an abandon table and took a seat. Not long after a plate with a mountain of chocolate donuts was placed in front of him on the table, like it had been everyday for the past few months. It didn't take long for him to start eating, placing a whole donut in his mouth with each bite, this was the reason people rarely wanted to sit next to him during eating time. Damian was blissfully enjoying his meal at the moment and honestly he had no plans on moving anytime soon.