Another portal opened, but this time it was on the air. It looked like a broken boundarty other than any kind of known portal. From it, the one who came was Sumireko, alongside a single Occult Ball. She looked around and thought about it. [color=bc8dbf]"Hmmm... is this somehow Gensokyo? It looks truly different and plain from what I've researched on the net."[/color], she thought. By flying in the air, Sumireko could have a panoramic vision of the island. [color=bc8dbf]"I think I came to the wrong place. It's best if I head back-"[/color], she thought, but an unfortunate event happened. The boundary she opened to the island got really unstable and broke itself, reverting back to the rest of the 6 Occult Balls. Then, one by one, they started to disappear, going to randomic places. [color=bc8dbf]"NOOOOOO!! The Occult Balls!!"[/color], she screamed. Even the one she had disappeared. [color=bc8dbf][i]This wasn't on my plans at all!! How I'll get back without having the Occult Balls?! I need them and now!![/i][/color], she spoke. Looking downwards, she saw some people (Arin, Beast Boy, Deadpool, Mira and Count Helcrest) and one single person waling alone (Joey). Sighing hardly, she decided to descend and talk with them to see if someone had seen an Occult Ball.