[quote=@Zerofighter] Yes, were most likely in another dimension. I cant get in contact with anyone from Lexcorp." he said and pressed some buttons on his suit. he saw Titans tower was near. He rose a eyebrow and wondered how that was possible. He then used his suit to scan for all technology in the area. He saw a strange energy near(Helcrest) Deadpool turned and saw Count Helcrest. "Wow, are you late for a D.N.D game buddy? nice cosplay though. Better then the ones who cosplay as me." He said and his eyes widen. he ran over and said "Thats a awesome sword! let me try it please!" [/quote] Arin watched as Deadpool ran over to someone else. [i]He is a strange one, I'll give him that.[/i] He thought to himself as he followed him over and stopped once he saw Helcrest. He looked at the sword when the loony red man mentioned it. [i]As long as he doesn't use that on me, I'm good.[/i] He thought to himself. "I can't get in contact with my team either." Beast boy said as he shifted to parrot. Joey decided to do a bit of exploring, taking in his surroundings as he walked.