Wrenna listened carefully as Soreth told his life's story, surprised at some of the things he told her. She wanted to ask him more questions. Like why he didn't think he would make a good sibling, what did he mean about bonds and so on...but she felt they wouldn't really be appropriate. "It sounds like it was rough." Wrenna told him as she took a sip of her own tea. "I um...lost my mother to..." she told him after a moment. She wanted to say something to keep the awkward silence from coming back and also to make up for asking to recount all of that. "I didn't really know her though...I was too young when she passed. Then it was just dad and me and his...delusions. Well, Desmond kind of raised me a bit too, but I haven't seen him in forever. I grew up in a backwater town in my country and my father kept trying to prove to everyone I was the Hero he kept rambling on about. I did whatever he told me to...all my good deeds were all things my father told me to....well, there was one thing he didn't tell me to do that I did on my own, but that's a different story. There's a few places I want to go back to and people I'd like to go see again..." She left it at that. "Oh! Sorry if you didn't want to hear all of that...I just thought I should tell you since you told me some things about you...I really don't know how much you already know about me." She added as she remembered that he had scryed her before.