[h2][center][color=6ecff6]Skylar[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] As Skylar stalked out of the food pavilion, electricity tingled along her hands. She could only see it on her left hand; she had forgotten the glove back there in her rage. Whatever, she could get another from the Hephaestus kids. Ty would help her, he always did. Continuing to walk she reach the lake, and stood there watching the surface. It was completely abandoned, everyone was probably eating still, except for a few naiads. Seeing her approach they quickly moved away from the water. They had learned their lesson about messing with the daughter of Zeus before and weren't willing to test her again. Staring at the calmness of the water seemed to anger her even more. She stepped forward, the single black glove falling off her right hand. Continuing to move until she stood with her ankles in the water, she glared around. Looking at her eyes they seemed to cloud over. The naturally sky blue color of her irises turned to a deep black sea blue. At her side her fists were clenched in anger, so much that veins were sticking out. All along her arms, electricity flickered, causing the hair to rise. All around her the scent of ozone filled the air. Finally the anger built up to be too much. Her mouth open into a scream and her arms whipped up from her side. Perpendicular to her torso, palms flat out. The flat peaceful water was interrupted by two giant lightning bolts thundering out of her arms. From a distance it may have looked like her arms had turned into constant streams of energy, flowing into the now disrupted lake. Where the energy struck the water around began to boil and throb. Electricity jumped throw the waves created by the impact of the energy, quickly shocking the water. Fried fish began to rise the surface, having been instantly boiled the the sudden energy. As the final strand of energy flowed out of her body she collapsed. The bottom of her pants were soaked from standing in the water and her voice soar from the screaming. Slowly the energy flickered back into her body. The amount had been significantly reduced due to the effect is had on everything in the lake. Skylar lay there panting, careful not to move. Wouldn't want to waste any unnecessary energy anymore. She just hoped no one would come across her in this weakened state. [h2][center][color=f26522]Tyson[/color][/center][/h2] [hr] Tyson was still in his cabin. It was nearly ten in the morning he realized looking at the nearby clock. Shit. He had been up all night again, working on his projects. This time it was mechanical shark. It was designed to look like a great while, though it was almost twice the normal size. It was built in with lazers, greek fire bombs, a titanium shell, and razor sharp spinning teeth. Of course purely for educational purposes. Of course... Turning away from his project he figured he should go out to get something to eat. At least a cup of coffee to prevent himself from falling over asleep in the middle of the day. Whistling for Thorn Ty turned towards the lift to get out of the basement. As the sound left his mouth, the cute little bronze dragon peaked its head out of the belly of the shark. Thorn had been working on the inner welding in places where it was hard for Ty to reach. Looking around it spotted Ty and took off towards him. It's small paws pushed off the frame into the air, wear the bronze, paper thin, wings extended. By the time Ty was in the lift Thorn had glided onto his shoulder. Ty stepped out the door, ducking to avoid knocking his head on the doorway. He made a mental note to fix that soon. It was damn annoying. I mean who the hell wouldn't think to put in a visual detection and extended. Simple engineering people. Geeze. Finally arriving at the pavilion, Ty stacked a plate high with food. There was so much food on the plate that he quickly grabbed another plate just to hold all the food from falling over. Without bothering to look for a seat, Ty headed out the front back towards the training arena. He wanted to get some practice in as soon as he was done eating all this food. And damn did it smell delish.