[color=crimson]Acacia[/color] & [color=ed1c24]Damien[/color] Acacia carefully picked her way through the Dining Pavilion, trying to find a seat in the endless chaos of the rush for breakfast. Once again, her stomach rumbled, a weakened cry of desperate need as she finally found a seat that wasn't populated whatsover. Letting a smile grace her lips for the first time that morning, she released a needy sigh and casually drifted closer to the table. Suddenly, out of nowhere, some... thing (that oddly resembled a teenage boy) took her abandoned table. Huffing, she tried to look around for another but found none. Not afraid to stake what was rightfully hers, Acacia approached the light-skinned individual before crossing her arms across her chest and lowering her gaze to his. She didn't even bother speaking to him as she simply stared, telling him all he needed to know - this was her table. Damian had just finished stuffing yet another donut into his maw, he had devoured half the plate in a matter of minutes, before he noticed a sudden presence infront of him. Lifting his eyes away from his chocolate covered breakfast the pale young man was greeted to the sight of a crimson haired girl who looked less than pleased with what she saw. More than a bit confused Damian stopped eatting for a moment, though he did have to swallow his current mouthful before he spoke. [color=ed1c24]"H-Hello?"[/color] Acacia could scarcely believe it - he had just looked up and questioned her as if [i]she[/i] was in the wrong. Half of her was impressed for him not really caring about her dark stare and the other half was very pissed off; this was her table and she was going to stake her claim to it. Instead of speaking, her lips set into a pout, her eyebrows furrowed and her eyes darkened. She wasn't certain that stepping up the threat-factor would do much but guys usually scurried along whenever she gave them her dark stare. [color=crimson]"Listen here, kiddo, I claimed this table first and then you came scurrying on over and took it! Now, I'm going to be nice about this and give you a chance - find another table."[/color] Damian was honestly at a lost. He didnt know what to make of this girl, she seemed to quite upset about something. Did she want his help with something, was she lost, did she eat too much food? And why did she keep staring at him like that, it was quite confusing. After quite an awkward moment, or what Damian would guess was awkward, of silince the girl finally spoke up. Oh of course she was having trouble sitting down, that had to be it, why else would she be so angry. [color=ed1c24]"Uh I-I dont er... my name i-is not kiddo."[/color] Damian managed to stammer out meekly, his eyes darting from the girl, down to the table, and back up to her. [color=ed1c24]"It is D-Damian."[/color] He said in a oblvious mannor before he continued. [color=ed1c24]"I dont t-think you claimed this t-table, I-I was here first. Uh and you er I m-mean I was here before you s-so I think it is mine... Right?"[/color] The sickly looking teen said, though he seemed to be asking a question more rather than making a statement. Acacia had to remind herself to breathe in and out as she dealt with the idiot of a teenage boy in front of her. She was beginning to seriously question what this camp was and why in god's name she was there in the first place. Clearly the idiot was way beyond feeling fear of any sort so she decided to go for something that worked for most warm-blooded, straight males. Leaning forward, her dark features parted into a mischevious smile. [color=crimson]"How 'bout you take yourself over to another table and leave this one to me. Ok?"[/color] [color=ed1c24]"But I like this table... it has all of my donuts."[/color] Damain said as he picked up one of his chocolate covored treats and took a slight bite out of it. He raised one of his eyebrows as the girl leaned forward, did she think he couldnt hear? Maybe she was trying to take one of his donuts. [color=ed1c24]"Y-You can have o-one of the other tables, this one was mine first..."[/color] He said before quickly whispering barely under his breath [color=ed1c24][i]"Sorry."[/i][/color] All she needed was a little more charm. Still smiling, she reached forward, her smile fading so she could speak. It was almost like she had been shot as she neared him. Taking a hesitant step back, her hands dropped down to clutch the table and stop herself from collapsing as her nerves suddenly bursted into flames. Her mouth opened to allow a scream to escape but it fell short of a few breathes. Acacia's eyes blinked closed then when they opened again, all colour had faded to a pale white as her body suddenly went limp. Oh dear, she did not look so good. People werent suppose to randomly feel pain, well not out here in the mortal world. Damian couldnt help standing up from his seat, he was a bit worried that he may of caused this sudden situation. [color=ed1c24]"Uh a-are you okay?"[/color] He asked as he slowly stared to make his way around the table towards the girl. [color=ed1c24]"Uh should I uh er I-I mean should I get help?"[/color] He babbled as he went to strech his hand out towards her. Acacia's consciousness slipped away, leaving her unable to reply as she descended into a thick pool of his memories, the secrets that Damien chose to lock away; his sins. She had seen the sins of others before but they paled in comparison to the pale, shy boy's memories. They enveloped her like a black, viscous liquid until all she could sense was the suffering he had inflicted. Countless amounts of needless slaughters, brutal torture, endless agony. She could feel it slowly breaking her mind, seeping into her very being. It would consume her soon enough if she didn't act. But she was tired. Oh so tired. Almost as soon as it started, she buckled back to life, her eyes flicking closed before opening with the same shiny blue of before. Her whole body felt weak, however, and she had to drag herself to her feet. Her head felt like someone was repetitively setting off small explosions inside it and she suddenly had an overwhelming desire to vomit the contents of her stomach. Casting a single dark look in his general direction, she bolted straight for the exit, hoping to find somewhere peaceful to allow the corruption to leave her body. There was something different from the previous times as well - Acacia wasn't usually violent but she found herself wanting to break the pale-skinned boy. Break him in two. Yes, that would do the job. That was... odd. Yes most definitely odd. Damian was used to being advoided and odd looks but this was diffrent, this girl had a unmistakable hate in her eyes. She looked like she wanted nothing more than to rip him limb from limb, Damian knew that look well as he had worn it many times. Did he do something wrong? Is this what happened when someone didnt give up their table? Whatever this was it left Damian feeling uneased, he had to go and clear his mind. Abandoning his breakfast the more than fair skined teen made his way out of the dinning hall and started to head towards the forest, maybe if he found some less human company he could relax again, it usually did the trick.