[h3]~ [color=f9ad81]Angela C.[/color] & [color=92278f]Cleo M.[/color] ~[/h3] Angela was dreaming. It was a fairly realistic and lucid dream, but a dream nonetheless. In the dream, she was holding hands with a woman, with hazel brown hair and eyes, and they together walked along the shores of a beach. Behind them was Cleo, who, impossibly, was giving a genuine smile of happiness. Angela both in and out of the dream wondered how this was accomplished, and hoped that she could do the same for him in reality. The woman she was walking with suddenly stopped and looked at her, and Angela's heart skipped a beat. Her face was so warm and kind, and so shockingly familiar - the woman looked exactly like her, or at least how Angela envisioned herself to look like if she were older. Suddenly, she was convinced about one thing: This mystery woman was her mother. Angela's mother. An existence that has forever bothered her. She was an orphan, and for a long time, she was simply content with having Cleo and her monster friends to talk to. Her having no parents didn't mean much - she was not prone to self-pity; the time that pitying herself was time taken away from her helping people, she thought. Then, when she turned thirteen and was introduced to Camp Half-Blood, she discovered that she [i]did[/i] have a living relative: Dionysus, the Greek god of wine and theater himself. When she first discovered this, Angela had mixed feelings. She was confused; why didn't he visit her, if he were her father? She was elated; Angela, who thought she was an orphan all her life actually had a father! She was disappointed; to know that said father apparently cared little for her. She never cared much for the identity of her parents, but now that she knew that one was alive, the existence of the other would now frequently invade her thoughts. She though of her mother and wondered who she was, what she was like, and what would she think of her? Seeing the woman in her dreams, Angela wished that her mother would be like the one here, so warm and kind. The woman was about to say something, and Angela was about to listen when suddenly . . . [b][i]"GODS-DAMMIT ANGELA! WAKE UP AND GET YOUR BOYFRIEND OUT OF THE GODS-DAMN CABIN!!!"[/i][/b] Angela started awake, her heart hammering in her chest and her eyes wide. Her head swiveling about, she looked about the Dionysus Cabin, searching for the cause of her disturbance. The one who had shouted, one of her half-siblings, was by the door, standing protectively in front of six other kids, who all looked traumatized or teary-eyed to some degree. Right in front of said siblings, standing at the entrance inside of the cabin, was Cleo. He was smiling and for all intents and purposes, looked like he was completely innocent. Cleo turned his head and met Angela's smile, and his own smile widened. [color=92278f]"Ah, good-morning An!"[/color] he said with a cheerful, husky voice. [color=92278f]"I came to pick you up for breakfast, but you were still asleep. So I decided to make some small talk with you siblings. You know, get to know them be-"[/color] "Cut the crap Medax! You were terrorizing them again you asshole! We've all warned you not do this to - screw it, it's not like you ever listen anyway," shaking his head in frustration, the boy turned to Angela. "Just . . . just get him out of here would ya?" Angela nodded hastily and shot out of her bed. [color=f9ad81]"Shoo Cleo shoo!"[/color] she said, pushing Cleo out of the cabin. [color=f9ad81]"Wait right there and don't do anything mean, okay?"[/color] The older boy shook his head and sighed. [color=92278f]"Well, if you insist~"[/color] [color=f9ad81]"I do!"[/color] Angela closed the door and exhaled in relief. She turned to face her siblings with a grimace. [color=f9ad81]"I'm so sorry about that."[/color] "I know you are, Angela, but [i]he[/i] isn't. You didn't do anything wrong, okay? So there's no need to apologize. Just, if you can somehow get him to stop coming here all the time . . . sometimes I wonder why someone as nice as you hangs out with . . . him." [color=f9ad81]"He's a nice person deep down, really!"[/color] The boy's stare was so disbelieving, it was painful. [color=f9ad81]"Really, really deep down."[/color] Staaaaare~ [color=f9ad81]"Very, very, very deep down! Look, it's there okay!"[/color] Sigh. "Alright, alright, let's not argue about this anymore. Hurry on up then, your boyfriend's waiting, and who knows what sort of trouble he'd stir up while you're gone." [color=f9ad81]"He's not my boyfriend,"[/color] she said promptly. A conditioned response. She closed her eyes and a warm wind blew throughout the cabin. The previously terrified demigods suddenly began calming down and looked around in wonder about the sudden change of temperature. Angela smiled. [color=f9ad81]"Whatever Cleo said, don't worry about it, okay? He's a nice person, just really awkward around normal people. You'll get used to him."[/color] Her older sibling snorted. Angela shot him a look. With that, Angela stepped out of her cabin to meet Cleo. [color=f9ad81]"I wish you would stop doing that, Cleo,"[/color] she said disapprovingly. Cleo, for his part, looked guilty at least. [color=92278f]"Ah, well, yeah. Anyway, breakfast!"[/color] Together, the two of them entered the dining pavilion. Suddenly, Cleo's eyes lit up as he caught site of [b]Damian[/b], and a dangerous glint appeared in his eyes. Angela was watching him, however, and caught the look on his face. [color=f9ad81]"No Cleo. You're not doing it."[/color] [i]Whatever it is you're going to do.[/i] [color=92278f]"You killjoy."[/color] [i]Aaaaw.[/i]