[color=fff79a][center][h2]Who Are You?[/h2][/center] [b]I Am the God Of:[/b] Life [b]My Powers Include, but Are Not Limited To:[/b] [list][*]The ability to return souls to their deceased or corrupted forms, and restore them. [*]The ability to repair damaged or corrupted wildlife and flora. [*]The ability to create new life. [*]Can cure all diseases, and imbue mortals with immortality. [*]Can imbue mortals with a minor form of his powers, though this takes much of his strength to perform. [*]Can call down Angels from the Hallowed Realm, who are all immortal warriors that can only be felled by magical means. Each of them carries my power to a minor degree. However, to call them into action is to bring them back into a world of pain, misery and loss - something the God of Life is only likely to do if pushed into a corner. If an Angel dies, its soul ceases to exist, effectively killing them outright and forever.[/list] [b]My Name Is:[/b] Vitan [b]The People Who Devote Themselves To Me Are Called:[/b] Paladins of Vitan. [b]I was the Creator's:[/b] First Son. [b]I Gain My Strength From:[/b] Tuning into the life forces of my surrounds. The more living things in the area, the greater my strength. [b]I am King/Queen/Master of the Realm of:[/b] The Hallowed Realm [b]My Realm is a Place of:[/b] Ecstasy, peace, light and beauty. Suspended upon a bed of clouds, my realm is inhabited by those mortals who wished to transcend the pains of their existence. However, only those who work to better their kin at their own expense, who make heroic and selfless sacrifice, who make the [i]right decisions[/i], rather than the best, can gain access. The inhabitants are able to conjure interpretations of their own desired paradises, and live in bliss for all eternity. [b]To Mortals, My Face Is:[/b] An old Caucasian male, draped in white robes with gold trim. His eyes carry a golden glow, and his white hair shines with an aura of light. [b]To My Kin, My Face Is:[/b] A giant bulb of shimmering yellow light, suspended six feet above the ground. [b]I Carry These Relics, That Cement My Power:[/b] [u]The Staff of Life[/u], which is nothing more than a gnarled tree branch fashioned into a walking stick. When near living things, including mortals, fauna and flora, it channels surrounding the life force into Vitan, giving him strength. If there is sufficient life around, the staff starts to grow flowers and leaves, indicating that Vitan is at his full strength. [b]I Have Emerged at:[/b] Silverwood Forest, by a small fort maintained by Vitan's dwindling number of faithful.[/color]