[b]Sarina - Wildfire. [/b] Sarina had been in the super powered prison for almost a year or maybe just over, being in a place like this one can lose track of time if not careful, She often remembers the day she first woke up here in a cell after she assumed of being taken out after her escape from the burning warehouse, In fact she was not sure how it happened but she will in time find out who it was and flay them alive. The redhead was able to set a pretty strong reputation within the prison even without her powers thanks to the Promethium core neck brace that neutralized her said powers, Sarina did not consider herself top of the food chain here but many knew to keep a distance, especially when in a bad mood, giving an air of authority or respect given by others. Her reputation also extends to the guards who often like to boast about her inability of powers and the neck braces that seem to give them a sense of power over the woman here, but it did not stop her from kicking an ass or two from time to time often ended up with her eventually getting subdued and incarcerated. Sarina had spent some extra time in the gym this particular morning instead of going straight to the cafeteria for the first part of the daily slop they serve, She was being watched by two guards one of which was new and the other probably here before even she arrived. [b]"She has beautiful eyes, But didn't her report say she has red eyes?"[/b] He asked, Of course Sarina knew they were looking at her and talking about her, she was simply giving them a seductive look with a slight smile. [b]" It does but that wondrous piece of technology neutralizes her power and her eyes reverted back to their natural Hazel colour, Don't her her looks fool you.[/b]" The more experienced guard laughed. [b]"Don't worry you have nothing to worry about from this one unless you see her eyes red, and don't get into hand to hand with her and you'll be fine"[/b] He then added, It was true though as Sarina's eyes did revert back to there natural colour while the neck brace was on and active, otherwise her eyes would be a crimson red colour. [b]" What happens if I did?"[/b] He asked. [b]"We would not be having this conversation kid"[/b] The man answered as he went of to keep an eye on the other inmates. Sarina rested up for a few moments as she rolled her eyes as there appeared to be a commotion coming from the cafeteria, No doubt someone didn't like the sloppy crap that gets served here as of course attracted quiet the crowd and from this new to wait for the guards intervention before she would go and get something to eat. Upon arrival the door was blocked by a guard standing in the way and upon inspection through a window saw inamtes mostly sprawled across the floor and recovering she could see there was a newcomer wiping blood from her mouth and could see the rather larger inamte normally in charge of serving food in the kitchen no doubt those where the two reponsible for getting everyone in the area shocked and not very popular. Before she even shove the guard out of the way another inamte was getting carted of by some others, it was going to be on of those days and nothing was more worse than having a fiery redhead into the mix. Speaking of which, Wildfire was now standing behind this guard blocking the doorway into the cafeteria, he was overwatching the inmate gather themselves, his back turned towards her, his first big mistake, the second being using that dam button on his belt to shock people, if she was hit with that and eventually gathered herself she would so batter some one. sighing as they guy was to oblivious of her waiting on him she raised her left boot and shoves him through the doorway to let her in to his surprise but he quickly gathers himself and instinctively goes for her before realizing who it is. Guards know never to provoke Sarina alone, As quick as he went for her she used his momentum to sidestep and slam him up against the window, his momentum cracking the glass slightly as one of her arms was over his throat. [color=ed1c24]"Lunge at me like that again, or press that dam button and I will break your dam fingers and put you through this window before your friends can get me" [/color]She said into his ear her face close to his. More guards came in as one called out to her, there must of been four or five extras now. [b]"Wildfire!"[/b] He yelled at her. [b]"Release him now or we'll all press these buttons and shock every single one of you once more including yourself.. And earn yourself another beating"[/b] He demanded. Sarina thought for a moment and knew that it would be best for now to simply comply and get her own back on them when a opportunity arises. [color=ed1c24]"Your so lucky I got one these around my neck."[/color] she said once more to the man she was holding before releasing him not so gently, the guy smiled and chuckled at her before adjusting his uniform. [b]"I suggest you watch yourself."[/b] Stepping back Sarina moved away at a distance and let them go with a few of them keeping a close eye, Grabbing a tray of this crap they called food she went and sat at a vacant table.