Maria swam off shore in Long Island Sound her lithe form knifing through the water as quickly as a fish. She loved the sound because growing up in the desert she'd had to swim in hotel pools in water that smelled of chlorine. To her everything about Camp Half Blood was like going to paradise. Here she was surrounded by the lush forests and it even rained from time to time which was for her a treat. Often her cabinmates would be shocked to see her dancing in the torrential downpour oblivious to the thunder that rumbled in the sky. She still loved Las Vegas and the neon strip but the Camp ran a close second. Finishing her swim Maria walked up the beach gather her hair into a ponytail high atop her head as the droplets of water clinging to her glittered in the sunlight. She stopped at a prechosen spot on the beach and dug into the sand where she gripped a stout cord and gave it a hard pull dragging up her tote. She'd learned last year to hide her things when she went swimming after some boys stole them forcing her to walk to her cabin clad in only her bikini. She reached in the bag and pulled out a towel and dried off before throwing it on the sand. She then sat down and pulled on pair of baggy but short cargo shorts and light blouse. She stands an shakes the sand from her towel an tucks it into her bag before heading to the dinning pavilion. Maria hangs her bag on a peg near the entry to the pavilion as she enters and afterwards fetched herself something to eat. Grabbing a seat she settled down to eat and think about the day ahead.