The weapon came fast at him. He could almost feel the power behind the spear, though this would not discourage him. Caspus IV performed a tricky maneuver where he fell into a reverse push-up position, his arms backwards and his knees bent(appears like the 'crab position'). While he had to drop his own spear for this weird technique, it would also disarm his opponent. And Caspus was probably better in a hand-to-hand fight. He pushed off with his legs, attempting to knock his enemies weapon out of their hand with his feet. This put him in a handstand position. But this was extremely painful for Caspus, as his arms were in line with his torso, coming from behind him. He then fell back onto his feet, about 3 feet farther away from his opponeent, and his arms lowered back from behind him again, his grunt of pain clearly audible to his opponent and maybe audible to the crowd. He knelt down quickly, and grabbed his spear, jumping back after he did so, jumping from his low crouching position. Hopefully his plan worked, as it would allow Caspus IV to then out-range his opponent, as it would throw his foe's spear behind him with Caspus' powerful legs.