Dont know me? All the people know Deadpool! You know merc with the mouth. Great mutant mercenary to live. Best healing factor that makes Wolverine go" he put a wolverine mask on "I wish I had Deadpool's healing factor bubs." he took the mask off and said "My girlfriend is death. yea we cant see each other. Her exboyfriend was being a jealous prick and made me immortal. So I cant die." He shot himself in the head and said "ow..wait give me amminute. Ok all better" He stood up and creaked his neck "So can I see your sword now?" Lex nods and said to beast boy and said "Follow me if you want to live." Lex began thinking he could manipulate this version of Beast Boy. he didnt seem as intelligent as the one he knew. He decided to goto the energy signature his suit picked up on and landed seeing Helcrest, a white haried guy, and a guy in a red suit, who looked like Deathstroke